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Trump Campaign Will Drop New Ad During Debate, Watch It Early Here

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Trump’s campaign has dropped a new ad, and it’s a must-watch.

The ad starts with a white screen that asks, “When you think about the Joe Biden you saw debate, ask yourself a question…”

The ad continued, “Do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs … got taken down by his bike … lost a fight with his jacket … and regularly gets lost … makes it four more years in the White House?”

In conclusion, the ad’s narrator stated, “And you know who’s waiting behind him, right? Vote Joe Biden today and Kamala Harris tomorrow.”

Watch the full ad here:

Check out what News Max reported:

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign will air two new TV ads during Thursday night’s presidential debate.

The ads, to be shown in key battleground states and Washington, D.C., will appear when Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, and Biden meet in CNN’s Atlanta studios for the first presidential debate during the 2024 race for the White House.

The second ad, named “Who Is Laughing Now,” highlights some of the 81-year-old Biden’s missteps and gaffes and reminds voters that Vice President Kamala Harris is waiting in the wings to assume the presidency.

“When you think about the Joe Biden you saw in the debate, ask yourself a question: Do you think the guy who was defeated by the stairs … got taken down by his bike … lost a fight with his jacket … and regularly gets lost … makes it four more years in the White House?” the male voice says.

“And you know who’s waiting behind him, right? Vote Joe Biden today, and Kamala Harris tomorrow.”


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