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Here Are The Very Different Ways Trump And Biden Answered Pre-Debate Questions About Drugs

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There has been rampant speculation that Joe Biden receives some sort of stimulant narcotic in order to remain alert and somewhat cognizant during high-stakes public appearances like the State of the Union address earlier this year.

Ahead of Thursday’s debate, such assessments began to spread even further, with Donald Trump and others calling for him to submit to a drug test before taking the stage.

Both the Trump and Biden campaigns were asked whether the candidates planned to use performance-enhancing drugs prior to the debate, and their respective answers were light years apart.

As Fox News reported:

The Biden campaign twice avoided a direct answer to the question.

“Donald Trump is so scared of being held accountable for his toxic agenda of attacking reproductive freedom and cutting Social Security that he and his allies are resorting to desperate, obviously false lies,” Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt told Fox News Digital on Wednesday evening.

When asked in a follow-up email for a “yes” or “no” response, Hitt said her original statement answered the question.

“The accusation from Trump on drugs is a ‘desperate, obviously false lie,'” Hitt added.

The White House did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment.

In contrast, the Trump campaign issued a direct response when asked if Trump planned to take any performance-enhancing drugs for the debate.

“Absolutely not,” Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital.

She added, “President Trump has naturally elite stamina and doesn’t need performance-enhancing drugs, unlike Joe Biden, who many are saying will be drugged up for the debate like he was at the State of the Union. President Trump has repeatedly asked Joe Biden to participate in drug testing. What does Team Biden have to hide?”

The issue drew significant attention on social media in the lead-up to the debate.

Here’s what Trump had to say about the matter, per The Hill:

Former President Trump called on President Biden to take a drug test ahead of Thursday’s presidential debate, noting he will also take one.


The former president and his allies have repeatedly suggested the baseless claim Biden might take a performance enhancing drug before the debate, with some already discounting any well-received performance by the incumbent as a charade. Neither Trump nor others have provided any factual evidence to back up these claims.

In two other posts on Truth Social, Trump applauded Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), who sent a letter to the president and his physician Monday, demanding he take drug tests immediately before and after the debate.

“Ronny Jackson was a brilliant Doctor, Admiral and now, a GREAT Congressman,” the presumptive GOP nominee wrote in one post. “He happens to be totally right about what is written in this MUST READ Article but, unfortunately, nothing will be done about it!”

The former president and his allies have frequently attempted to characterize Biden as an old, feeble man unfit to serve a second term. They made the drug allegation earlier this year in an attempt to downplay Biden’s State of the Union speech, which was generally well-received.

Here’s some additional coverage of Trump’s challenge to Biden:


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