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Glenn Beck Offers Brilliant Debate Advice to President Trump

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Considering the level of cognitive decline displayed by Joe Biden over the past several years, one might assume that Thursday’s presidential debate will be a cakewalk for Donald Trump.

But with far-left CNN hosting the debate and apparently biased network personalities Jake Tapper and Dana Bash serving as moderators, it appears the deck is stacked in Biden’s favor.

That’s why radio host Glenn Beck offered some advice to Trump that would allow him to bypass the CNN spin and communicate directly with voters.

According to a transcription published by WBEX, Beck said:

I wouldn’t debate with Joe Biden. I wouldn’t debate with Joe — with Jake tapper. I would just say, look, what was your question, Jake?

It was about Ukraine. And what we’re going to do with Ukraine?

Okay. I’m not going to debate a guy on foreign policy.

He’s responsible for the disaster of Afghanistan. For the Taliban of being back.

For the Russia Ukraine war.

For the Middle East.

The Russia/Ukraine and now the Middle East has brought our gas prices. Our food prices. And inflation to record highs!

So I’m not going to — I’m not going to even talk about what he’s doing.

I’m just telling you right now, the American people, cannot take it anymore.

The American people cannot afford these kinds of decisions coming again. Well, what do you talk about, he’s created X-number of jobs? No. He hasn’t. And have the facts. The New York Times even says. The — the Los Angeles Times just reported. And you could find them. There’s been no job growth in California.

The last year of all of the reported job growth in California, was bogus. If you look at our job growth right now, you know who is getting jobs? Illegals. You know who is not? There has not been any job growth since this man got into office, with Americans. Other than part-time jobs. More and more people have to take part-time work. Work two, three, even four jobs just to support the family.

They can’t afford rent. Why? Why did all of this happen?

Because of his policies. So don’t ask me to debate him on any of these things. He’s so wrong, it’s not worth anyone’s time. Here’s what I promise the American people: Your inflation is going to take a while to turn around. But I — I agree, it exists. This man told you, it didn’t exist.

The debate, which Biden demanded take place before either he or Trump were officially nominated by their respective party, has attracted plenty of attention on social media. Much of it has centered around the moderators.

Meanwhile, Team Biden is attempting to portray his extended stay at Camp David as an intense debate preparation session.

As Fox News reported:

The vastly different approaches taken by President Biden and former President Trump in prepping for Thursday’s presidential debate have continued to diverge, with the former hoping he can “trigger” the latter in the heat of the moment, and the latter relying heavily on his campaign experience, multiple reports show.

Biden has spent the last five days at Camp David in rural Maryland huddling with at least 16 current and former aides, according to The New York Times, while Trump, who spoke with Fox News over the weekend, has held “policy discussions” with allies to prep for what is expected to be an epic clash on the debate stage in CNN’s Atlanta studios.

An old movie theater and airplane hangar have been outfitted as a mock debate stage, where Biden, despite having varying hours and a non-rigid schedule, is preparing to go on the offensive against Trump on issues like immigration and abortion, as well as push back on claims — appearing to be supported by various videos — that he is confused and frail,” The Times reported.

Here’s a clip of Beck offering his advice to Trump:


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