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Did Gavin Newsom Just Admit He’s Going to Replace Biden?

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Is this the end for Biden?

Was his utter defeat by Trump during the first presidential debate the final nail in the coffin?

It’s certainly possible — and we might have just gotten a clue about what Democrats plan to do next: replace Biden with someone younger, more charismatic, and more mentally astute.

Someone like Gavin Newsom.

Following Biden’s disastrous performance during Thursday night’s debate, Gavin Newsom was interviewed by MSNBC.

While answering a question about Democrats’ concern over Biden’s competence, Newsom responded with, “I plan to step up.”

While we can’t be certain what he meant by this, it certainly raises the question: did he just admit that he will be Biden’s replacement?

Watch the clip here for yourself and let us know what you think:

Laura Loomer thinks its going to be Trump vs Newsom in November:

The Sacramento Bee is also already for the Dems to replace Biden with Newsom:

After Thursday night’s debate performance, one thing is crystal clear: The national Democratic Party must immediately announce they will seek to replace President Joe Biden as the presumptive candidate.

We can do better than this. There are still nearly two months before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, scheduled for late August. Thursday’s debate made it clear that Biden must be replaced as the candidate with someone — anyone.

Even California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

It could be a Hail Mary play for the ages, bringing Newsom in to save the day like a handsome Hollywood leading man in a Sorkinesque script. He could rally delegates and fill them with enthusiasm. It would harken to a sense of normalcy in our country — even if it’s a rich, white, cis sense of normalcy.

It’s clear the Republican Party is determined to ride its orange horse all the way to The White House, but he remains a threat to democracy today just the same as he was eight years ago. But for the Democrats, only a fresh injection of visible vitality and something more than a minimally-acceptable level of intelligence will save Americans from a second Trump administration, and prominent Democrats and donors must now loudly begin the calls.

We have to have someone to rally around, and Newsom is the only person with enough name recognition to have a chance in such a moment.

And believe me, I gain no pleasure from complimenting the California governor. I find him unresponsive to good advice and too reactionary to criticism.

But Newsom at least projects an air of competence, unlike the old man and the con man debating each other Thursday night. A Newsom administration would be no worse than Bill Clinton’s, I think. But for all his faults, Newsom is still far preferable to what we endured on CNN Thursday evening, and the looming vision of what we might endure for the next four years.

What do you think?

What did Newsom mean when he said “I plan to step up?”

Is Biden out and Newsom in?

Was this there plan all along? Setting up Biden to fail at the debate so they could bring in his replacement?

Here’s what people on social media are saying:


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