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CNN Raises MASSIVE Fence Around Studio

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CNN has set up large fences around its studio in Atlanta, Georgia.

The fences started being set on early Thursday morning in preparation for Trump’s debate versus Biden.

Take a look:

Per The Daily Mail:

Workers set up a massive fence Thursday around the perimeter of the presidential debate site at CNN’s Atlanta headquarters.

Protesters are expected to descend on Georgia’s capital city to demonstrate outside the first showdown between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

One shirtless man braved the muggy heat to show up early Thursday morning to protest Biden ahead of his arrival in Atlanta.

His signs read: ‘Lock up Biden’ and ‘Biden betrayed America and Israel.’

The event is the first time Biden, 81, and Trump, 78, will be in the same room since they went head-to-head in their two debates in 2020.

CNN expected protests to occur and have raised fencing to prevent outsiders from coming in.

A large gathering of pro-Palestine protesters have already gathered outside of CNN’s studio in Atlanta, Georgia.

Around 6:00 pm, dozens of pro-Palestine supporters started to arrive outside of CNN’s study where Trump is set to debate Biden.

The protest could be heard chanting “Free Palestine” and “From the river to the sea.”

Watch the protesters here:



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