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Biden LIES, Says No Troops Have Been Killed Since He Took Office

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Joe Biden just blatantly lied in one of the most terrible ways possible.

In an insult to all of the families of the 13 U.S. troops that were killed during a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport during Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 — and als0 to the families of the 3 troops killed in a Syria terrorist attack earlier this year — Biden just claimed that no troops have been killed during his sham “presidency.”

Watch Biden’s bold-faced lie here for yourself:

Biden’s lie was so obvious, even USA Today called it out:

USA Today fact-checked:

“The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any – this decade – that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like (former President Donald Trump) did.”

Biden’s comment came following a reference to hostilities in Afghanistan during Trump’s term in office.

But the notion that no troops have died in the world during Biden’s time in office is wrong.

Thirteen U.S. service members were killed in a suicide bombing attack near the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul in August 2021, when Biden was president, as thousands tried to flee the Taliban’s takeover of the country, USA TODAY previously reported.

Among the deaths were 11 Marines, one Navy hospital corpsman and one Army soldier.

Biden remarked on the deaths at the time, calling them “tragic.”

More recently, three U.S. Army Reserve soldiers were killed in January at a base in Jordan in what was described as a drone attack by Iran-backed militants.


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