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Politician Facing Criminal Prosecution For Wanting a Future For White Children in France

(WARNING: Graphic images and videos at the end of this report showing violence and death in France)

You want your children to exist?

How dare you!

That was the response from a French mayor to a Right wing candidate in France, Pierre-Nicolas Nups of the Parti de la France (Party of France).

You see, he made a simple poster making a simple statement.

And the Left, with their embracing of Black Lives Matter, couldn’t take it.

It simple said ‘Give White French children a future.’

Well, the liberal mayor was “horrified” by these posters.


They’re really showing how they really feel, aren’t they?

It seems these globalists really don’t like it when White people are pro-White, want to defend themselves or want to raise kids.

This is having the opposite of effect. More people are starting to notice.

Daily Mail reports:

A far-Right election candidate in France is facing prosecution for unveiling an election poster reading: ‘Let’s give white children a future.’

The slogan is accompanied by an image of a boy, and is in support of Pierre-Nicolas Nups of the Parti de la France (Party of France).

Pascal Schneider, the mayor of Neuves-Maisons near Nancy and one of the biggest towns in the constituency, said: ‘This poster is nothing more or less than a rag that sullies the city, the canton, the entire department.’

Mr Schneider said he had filed a legal complaint with public prosecutors, claiming the poster whips up racist hate.

But Mr Nups, who is standing in the 5th constituency of the eastern Meurthe-et-Moselle department, said in retort: ‘I approved this poster. It is neither sectarian nor exclusive.

‘On the contrary, it delivers a positive message, a message of hope for our youth, and nothing else. And if anyone sees anything else in it, it would be a malicious interpretation.’

It comes as France prepares for one of the most divisive polls in its history, with even President Emmanuel Macron warning that a civil war is a possibility should either the far-Right National Rally party or a far-Left coalition led by the France Unbowed party.

Its founder, Jean Marie Le Pen, his daughter – Marine Le Pen – has insisted that she has cleaned it up and made it fit for government.

The Parti de la France is an offshoot of the Front National, founded by supporters of Jean Marie Le Pen, but candidates such as Mr Schneider are not being endorsed by the RN.

If the RN wins an absolute majority following two-round elections that start on Sunday, President Macron would be forced to appoint Jordan Bardella, president of the RN, as his prime minister.

Such a development is known as Cohabitation in France, and would result in the RN being able to introduce a legislative programme.

Extreme leftists also have a chance at power, thanks to a New Popular Front that is putting up a single candidate in each constituency, rather than splitting the potential vote between Socialists, Communists and other factions.

On Monday, Mr Macron said on the podcast ‘Generation Do It Yourself’ that the RN manifesto was based on ‘stigmatisation or division’.

He claimed: ‘I think that the solutions given by the far right are out of the question because it is categorising people in terms of their religion or origins and that is why it leads to division and to civil war.’

It’s not like White children are under attack in France, are they?

“Please ignore the videos of the mostly peaceful crimes below.

Let’s just focus on that hateful poster of hate,” says the Establishment.

And here we have a White toddler in a stroller…getting STABBED.


*After the next video, there are 2 photos below, that are covered, but still show blood.*

How did the media report on the above attack, shouting they wanted to kill Whites?

“It’s a Far-right controversy…” They made it political. Sickening!

And here we see the police focused on STOPPING a tribute for those that were killed.


And the media ignoring these crimes.

Notice there’s 26 results for stories about the police killing an immigrant.

But that immigrant that stabbed the toddler? 4

Sadly, this seems to be a worldwide trend.


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