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NEXT BOYCOTT? Mother & Toddler Stranded, United Airlines Kicks Her Off For ‘Misgendering’ Flight Attendant, Keeps Luggage, Medicine

I feel another boycott coming.

These companies don’t seem to learn, do they?

Remember that viral video about that dude that was screaming at a store cashier ‘It’s Ma’am!’, it seems that guy is now the protected special class.

A woman posted online that she was kicked off of United Airlines.

What was her crime?

It was a “hate crime”. (FYI. Hate crimes don’t exist. It’s either a crime or it’s not a crime.)

And it consisted of ‘misgendering’ a flight attendant.

Basically, she didn’t play along and go along with someone’s delusion.

That’s a big no-no for the Establishment, the puppet masters.

And so they kicked her off.

AND no baggage for her.

AND not allowed to get medicine out of her bags.


That’s what she posted six hours ago. No word if she was able to get help.

‘That’s the price she has to pay for daring not to worship someone that’s trans. Submit to transgenders and call them what they demand or else!’ is the message United flight is sending out.

They picked the WRONG woman to do this too.

She’s a nutritionist that is calling out vaccines, and how vaccines are linked to SIDS (infant death syndrome).

With thousands of eyes on her situation, they’re checking out her Twitter feed and seeing all the vaccine red pills she’s posted and retweeted.

Her account is below.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

A woman traveling with her 16-month old son and her 75-year-old mother said in videos posted Wednesday that she and her family were kicked off a United flight because she misgendered a flight attendant. One of the videos shows the woman speaking with a United representative who confirmed the woman was booted by the captain for misgendering and other alleged comments.

Nutritionist Jenna Longoria, aka the Period Guru, said she, her mother and her son were kicked off a United flight in San Francisco that was headed for Austin, Texas on Wednesday and that their luggage–which had medicines for each–was kept on the plane while they were left behind. Longoria said she was told she had committed a “hate crime” and that she may be banned from flying United.

Longoria posted it took United thirty minutes to kick her and her family off the plane and that the airline denied her request for their luggage with their medicines to be removed from the plane.

“As they were kicking us off plane I asked to get our bags & told them the urgency of getting our medications. It took about 30 mins for them to get the operations manager & formally kick us off flight. They chose not to take our luggage off when they had the opportunity.”

Looks like DEI strikes again…

Still waiting for resolution…

That’s her account. Go give her a follow.

Remember what tranny’s originally wanted?

They went from wanting to use women’s bathrooms to demanding you join their pretending or else get banned, cancelled, and threatened for imaginary ‘hate crimes’.

Here’s the original “It’s ma’am!” viral video if you haven’t seen it:

Someone in the comments posted:

“And when he calls the corporate number:

Operator: Hello Sir, How can I help you today”


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