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Linked to Soros: Ethics Chief Faces Felony Charges

Diana Teran is the ‘ethics and integrity’ enforcer for Soros-backed LA County DA George Gascón.

She just happens to be facing 11 felony charges.

That’s right, folks, the person meant to uphold the law is accused of illegally accessing over 1,600 peace officer files.

This seems to be a common theme with those in the Democratic party. Doing the opposite of what their title claims.

Teran’s legal troubles began with Joseph Iniguez.

He was DA Gascón’s former chief of staff.

You see, he had his own run-in with the law back in December 2021 for a traffic violation and suspected DUI.

And then Joseph said a little too much.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

In a significant blow to Soros-backed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s administration, Diana Teran, one of his top officials tasked with maintaining ‘ethics and integrity,’ is facing 11 serious felony charges.

Teran, who was heavily involved in managing critical law enforcement databases, is accused of illegally accessing over 1,600 peace officer files, according to a report by FOX 11.

Teran’s case is linked to an incident involving Joseph Iniguez, who was Gascón’s chief of staff at the time of his controversial arrest in December 2021 on a traffic violation and suspicion of drunken driving.

Iniguez, who has since been promoted to chief deputy district attorney, was allegedly recorded clashing with police officers and interrupting their investigation while under the influence of alcohol.

In the video, Iniguez can be heard asking the deputy about running the plates. Iniguez confidently told the officer, “You pulled over the wrong person. Let me tell you.”


Fox News adds:

Azusa police took Iniguez to jail after stopping his then-fiance in December 2021 for an alleged traffic violation and on suspicion of drunken driving. Earlier this week, Fox News Digital obtained video of the arrest – which showed him telling officers, “You’ve pulled over the wrong person, let me tell you.”

According to a police report connected to the incident, Iniguez threatened to have the arresting officer placed on the “Brady list,” although that exchange is not heard on the video.

The list is a database of officers who have been accused of wrongdoing and can be used by defense attorneys to discredit them in court.

In the clip recorded on his cellphone, Iniguez urged the officers to check his license plates, which could have revealed to them that he worked for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. He admitted to drinking at the wedding and repeatedly interrupted the officer as he attempted to question the driver. Also during the encounter, he urges his fiance not to speak with the officers, a potential violation of DA policy and state law.

Iniguez sued Azusa over his arrest, alleging a federal civil rights violation, and received a $10,000 settlement, described by critics as a “nuisance payment,” last year.

And it all came from a DUI stop.

Here’s that video:


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