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High Profile Republican Not On Trump’s VP List

A high-profile Republican has been left off Trump’s vetting list.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has revealed she has not received any vetting paperwork for the Vice President position.

In an interview with NBC News, an NBC reporter asked Noem if she had received vetting paperwork from the Trump campaign.

Noem responded, saying, “I haven’t received any paperwork. No, I haven’t.”

“I’ve had conversations with the president, and I know that he is the only one who will be making the decisions on who will be his vice president,” added Noem.

Here’s what NBC News reported:

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem on Sunday said that former President Donald Trump should pick a running mate who “will help him win,” and indicated that she has not been formally vetted for the position.

“I haven’t received any paperwork. No, I haven’t,” Noem told NBC’s “Meet the Press,” adding: “I’ve had conversations with the president, and I know that he is the only one who will be making the decisions on who will be his vice president.”

Earlier this month, Noem suggested that having a woman on the ticket might be particularly helpful to Trump, telling CNN, “All the polls tell him in these swing states that a woman on the ticket helps him win.”

But when guest moderator Peter Alexander asked Sunday whether Trump would be making a mistake by not selecting a woman for the ticket, Noem wouldn’t say so.

“He needs to pick the best person for the job,” Noem told Alexander, adding that Trump should “pick someone that will help him win.”

The Independent reported:

Kristi Noem, the South Dakota governor once believed favorite to join Donald Trump on the Republican Party ticket in November’s presidential election, may be officially out of the running.

Her chances appeared to be dashed after she published a memoir that included the story of how she once executed the family dog in a gravel pit.

In an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday (June 23), host Peter Alexander asked whether she had received any paperwork from the Trump campaign related to the vetting process to be vice president.

“Let me ask you about some of our reporting that shows that there are three names now on Donald Trump’s shortlist to serve as his vice presidential pick. Yours is not one of them right now. Are you being vetted? Have you received the paperwork?” asked Alexander.

“No, I haven’t received any paperwork. No. I haven’t,” Noem replied. “I’ve had conversations with the president, and I know that he is the only one who will be making the decisions on who will be his vice president.”


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