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Donald Trump Has Reportedly Chosen His Vice President — Is It Flynn?

According to NBC News, Donald Trump said he has selected his vice president.

The outlet said it asked Trump at a Philadelphia campaign stop if he decided on his running mate.

“In my mind, yeah,” Trump said, NBC News reports.

Trump reportedly said that individual will “most likely” be at the June 27th debate between Trump and Joe Biden.

“They’ll be there,” Trump continued, according to the outlet.

“I think we have a lot of people coming,” Trump added.

Per NBC News:

Trump said “nobody knows” his choice yet. NBC News has previously reported that Trump is zeroing in on Gov. Doug Burgum of North Dakota, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida as possible top contenders for the slot.

Sources familiar with the selection process told NBC News that Burgum and Vance are considered the top two finalists. Rubio is still being considered, though a constitutional hiccup would require that either Trump or Rubio establish residency outside of Florida.

Trump senior adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement that the campaign’s top criterion for selecting a running mate “is a strong leader who will make a great President for eight years after his next four year term concludes.”

Trump is holding informal policy sessions with confidants in the lead-up to the debate, including possible vice presidential contenders. Vance spoke with Trump about the economy and inflation, and Rubio met with Trump when the former president was in D.C. earlier this month.

Trump told the outlet he plans to announce his vice presidential pick around next month’s Republican National Convention.

“Maybe a little before, but could be at the convention,” Trump said.

The convention will be held from July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The People’s Convention, hosted by Turning Point Action in Detroit, conducted a grassroots straw poll of the four rumored finalists for Donald Trump’s running mate.

The options included:

  • Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH)
  • Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  • Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC)
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum

People’s Convention Grassroots Straw Poll For Trump VP Results Are In

J.D. Vance overwhelmingly dominated the poll.

The Ohio senator won the poll with 43 percent of the vote.

Tim Scott came in second at 15.4 percent.

Rubio garnered 7.7 percent, while Burgum had 7.0 percent.

Who's your pick?

If rumors are to be believed, President Trump wanted Michael Flynn for 2016 but the RNC told him he had to take Pence.

If that's true, does he go back to Flynn this time?

Would you like that choice or do you want someone else?

NATIONAL POLL: Who Is Your Top Choice For Trump's VP?


This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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