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NY Randalls Island RUMBLE: Illegal Immigrants vs Illegal Immigrants

In New York’s Randalls Island, it would seem that illegal immigrants have taken a break from attacking citizens and have decided to attack each other.

Those from a gang of Africans got into a fisticuff with those from a gang of South Americans.

Six were involved in this fight which occurred around 8pm.

Turns out it started from a knifing.

Out of those in the disturbance, Josue and Moises Delon, 19 and 27, were arrested.

Will this be the last fight we see from Randalls Island?

Or will this trend continue until Trump returns to his rightful position and bring justice back?

New York Post reports:

Bad blood boiled over between feuding groups of migrants at the Randall’s Island shelter Friday night as a brawl broke out following an earlier stabbing, police and sources said.

Half a dozen migrants from Africa and South America duked it out around 8 p.m. at the massive Manhattan tent city that is no stranger to unruly behavior, the sources said.

The melee erupted after a 25-year-old African migrant was stabbed in the left shoulder by an attacker from the rival group, according to the NYPD and sources.

The man was taken to Harlem Hospital in stable condition, cops said.

A “large, disorderly group” got into a fight in the wake of the attack, requiring extra officers to descend on the pop-up shelter, according to police.

Brothers Josue and Moises Delon, 19 and 27, respectively, were arrested in connection to the stabbing and hit with assault charges, the NYPD said.

An 18-year-old was also detained for his role in the brawl. He was given a summons for disorderly conduct and released.

Remember when someone was stabbed to death there in January?

Remember the fight there in February?

Remember the fight there in April?

Remember when they wanted to keep that place a secret?


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