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Why Did The Secret Service Destroy All Video of Biden Dogs’ Bloody Attack On Agent?

Remember when Joe Biden’s dog bit a Secret Service agent to the point that it drew blood and put him in the hospital last year?

Commander, a German Shepherd, ran at and jumped on a Secret Service agent before chomping down into his arm, leaving an injury that needed stitches.

The attack forced the White House to cancel tours because so much blood had to be mopped up!

Well, apparently, there was video evidence of the violent attack.

However, according to new reports, Secret Service destroyed that footage.

Take a look at this new revelation for yourself:

Daily Mail reports:

The Secret Service destroyed a video that captured President Joe Biden‘s dog Commander chomping down on one of its agents – in an attack that forced the White House to shut down tours so blood could be wiped off the floor. filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the Secret Service in March after a video was mentioned as part of an email that detailed a June 15, 2023 biting incident with the since-banished first dog.

The video purportedly showed Commander running at a high rate of speed and jumping toward the agent in the East Wing’s Kennedy Garden, leaving a ‘deep bite’ on the individual’s left arm ‘that reportedly needed stitches,’ the email said.

‘East Wing Tours were stopped for approximately 20 minutes due to blood from the incident being on the floors in the area of the Booksellers,’ the message continued, referencing the room that is just inside from the garden.

The Secret Service’s Freedom of Information Act Officer Kevin Tyrrell wrote to in a letter Friday that ‘Due to Secret Service retention standards, the above mentioned file(s) has been destroyed.’

So, why exactly did the Secret Service destroy the video of Biden’s dog attack?

What are they trying to cover up?

Was it perhaps even WORSE than reports make it out to be?

A Secret Service spokesman answered with this, according to The New York Post :

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told the outlet that “I am assuming the record in question is no longer available because of the expiration of record retention,” as opposed to deliberate deletion to conceal the images from the public, but said he lacked “direct knowledge.”

Hmm….are you buying it?

And, here’s another question: why is the dog so aggressive anyways?

Biden’s dogs have reportedly attacked people not once, but 24 times!

Could it be abuse at the hands of a demented, evil old man, perhaps?

Let us know what you think in the comments…


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