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INCREDIBLE: Man Shares Miracle Story About Being Shot 8 Times…And Then Saved By An Angel

Most of the time, we’re covering hard news events here at WLTReport.

And especially during the Biden Regime years, that can sometimes feel like much more bad news than good news.

So whenever I get a chance to share an incredible, uplifting story I love to do it.

Not just up uplifting, but a true miracle.

Meet Marcus A. Stanley.

In the video below, he talks about one day when he was simply walking to the store and was suddenly surrounded by a group of thug criminals who decided to pick him to kill in that moment.

For no reason at all.

Maybe a gang initiation?

So one comes up to him and shoots him point blank in the head.

Then another hovers over him while he’s on the ground and shoots him 7 more times.

But that’s when Marcus says he literally saw an Angel stand in between him and the shooter and change the course of the bullets.

He was still shot 8 times, but as you can tell by the fact that he’s posting this video….he LIVED!

I can’t do it justice, you just need to listen to him tell it:


This is my story. This is why I have hope.

♬ original sound – Marcus Stanley

Backup video here if you can’t see that one:

Absolutely amazing, miracle story!



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