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Senator Warns Supreme Court Is “Readying” To Rewrite The Second Amendment

So after the Supreme Court rules that the bump stock ban is unconstitutional, that upset a lot of Democrats.

Senator Chris Murphy even accused the Supreme Court of being corrupt.

He’s encouraging Biden to call them out and put them in the spotlight.

Can you believe this guy?

Just another moment that reinforces the idea that Democrats are all about ‘democracy’ until they lose. Then it’s ‘tyranny, corruption, etc etc’.

The odd thing, is that the bump stock ban was done under President Trump.

And I find it bizarre that Obamas Admin legalized it.

Of course, that was six years ago. Perhaps Trump’s view on it has changed since then.

The Hill reports:

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) called the Supreme Court “brazenly corrupt and brazenly political” as he defended President Biden over reports that he described the high court as “out of kilter” during a fundraiser this weekend.

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Murphy said it is “absolutely” appropriate for Biden to criticize the court.

“I think it would be irresponsible for the president not to talk about the fact that this court is becoming brazenly corrupt and brazenly political,” Murphy added when asked about the appropriateness of Biden’s remarks.

“And it’s up to the American people, this election, to do something about that,” he said, adding that Congress, too, must “step up” and pass a code of ethical conduct “before it’s too late.”

The interview comes amid calls for Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from upcoming cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and the 2020 presidential election, following reports that two flags associated with the effort to keep former President Trump in power after 2020 were on display outside his home. He has refused those calls.

One instance after the 2020 election involved an upside-down American flag, a symbol historically used to signal distress that was also used by those protesting Trump’s loss and that later became associated with the “Stop the Steal” movement, which tried to prevent the transfer of presidential power based on false claims of election fraud.

And in 2023, at his vacation home in New Jersey, Alito flew an “Appeal to Heaven” flag — which, though it has origins in the Revolutionary War, has more recently served as a call for a conservative, Biblically centered government and was spotted in the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.

CNN adds:

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy said Sunday the Supreme Court is “readying to fundamentally rewrite the Second Amendment” after striking down a federal ban on bump stocks.

Recent gun-related rulings from the high court, Murphy told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union,” signal it is prepared to “take away permanently the ability of Congress to do simple things like require people to go through a background check or move forward on taking dangerous weapons like AR-15s off of the streets.”

“So I think this court is poised to make it very hard for Congress or state legislatures to be able to regulate guns and keep our communities and schools safe,” he said.

The Supreme Court’s striking down of the federal ban on bump stocks marked the latest opinion from the conservative bench rolling back firearm regulations.

Former President Donald Trump had pushed for the ban in response to a 2017 mass shooting that killed 58 people at an outdoor music festival in Las Vegas. But it was successfully challenged by a Texas gun store owner who purchased two of the devices in 2018 and turned them over to the government after the prohibition before suing to get them back.

Bump stocks allow a shooter to convert a semi automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire hundreds of rounds a minute.

“This is a Republican administration that banned bump stocks. At the time, Republicans in the Senate and the House were supportive of it,” the Connecticut Democrat said Sunday. “But now that they have got a Supreme Court that seems ready to unwind the entirety of the Second Amendment and take away from Congress or the executive branch the ability to keep our communities safe, they’re once again lining up behind the gun industry.”

Here’s a side by side comparison of a bump stock vs machine gun using a video from the Las Vegas Shooting:

Another clip of a bump stock:

Here’s Chris. Posting that “Trump’s goal is to kill kids!” Always the same with these Democrats.

And yet, here’s an older video of him…

The media constantly lying, trying to paint the Supreme Court in a bad light:


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