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Jussie Smollett 2.0? Democrat Arrested and Charged For Insane Race Hoax

Leftists claim that the United States remains a hopelessly racist country in which minorities are relentlessly subjected to hate speech and threats of violence.

Unfortunately for those trying to sell that narrative, a steady stream of supposedly racist attacks continue to be exposed as fabricated hoaxes.

The most recent example involves a Democratic candidate in Texas whose claims of social media harassment have since been  chalked up to an apparent ploy for attention.

As the New York Post reported:

An ex-Biden White House appointee and current Democratic candidate for a county commissioner seat in Texas allegedly created a dummy social media account to post bogus racist comments about himself.

Taral Patel, 30, the challenger running for county commissioner in Fort Bend County Precinct 3 just outside of Houston, was arrested for online impersonation last week after an investigation initiated by his opponent, incumbent Andy Meyers.

The revelation sparked widespread backlash on social media:

Instead of becoming the victim he apparently desperately wanted to convince voters he was, Patel is now facing criminal charges.

According to The Hill:

In his post online in September, Patel claimed the comments were examples of the “deep and misguided fear” from within the Republican Party.

Patel was arrested last Wednesday on a third-degree felony for online impersonation and a Class A misdemeanor charge for misrepresentation of identity.

His bond was set at $20,000 for the felony and $2,500 for the misdemeanor. He bonded out of the county jail early Thursday and has a court appearance scheduled for July 22, ABC 13 reported.

Fort Bend County’s GOP Chair Bobby Eberle said in a statement that the arrest was “deeply concerning.”

Here’s some local news coverage of the story:

That coverage is a far cry from the reaction from mainstream media sources that dutifully reported Patel’s claims last year without bothering to investigate their credibility:


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