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Detroit Black Pastor Slams Biden & Obama, Praises Trump: “Thank You for Coming to the Hood”

You have to see this.

During his time in Detroit, MI this weekend, President Trump attended a roundtable with community leaders at a local church.

The church’s Pastor Lorenzo Sewell thanked Trump for coming to the “hood” where Obama and Biden didn’t care, and dared not to go.

“President Trump, I’m so humbled that you would be here,” Pastor Sewell said, “President Obama never came to the hood, so to speak, and President Joe Biden only went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood. So thank you.”

Watch here:

Pastor Lewell also dropped this hilarious one-liner during the roundtable discussion:

This pastor is great!

And, I’m not the only one who thinks it’s refreshing to see Trump sitting down with genuine people like this.

That’s how you campaign, folks.

By meeting people where they are and truly caring.

Check out these responses on social media:


Fox News has more:

Former President Trump is headed to Detroit for a roundtable discussion at a church as he continues to reach out to Black voters.

Ahead of the meeting, 180 Church Pastor Lorenzo Sewell said on “Fox & Friends First” Friday that Trump’s visit “means so much” to the community.

“Sometimes we forget about the Black vote. Sometimes we forget about the power of what it means to vote for those who are in office and, in urban America, our voice matters. That’s why it means so much to us that the former president will come and value our voice,” he said.

Sewell said he can’t remember the last time a president laid out a plan for the Black community until Trump created the Platinum Plan, which included approximately $500 billion for Black businesses and churches.

“Those metrics matter to us. So we’re going to ask him, we’re going to hold him accountable to the Platinum Plan that he produced.”

The Washington Examiner added:

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell was grateful to host presidential candidate Donald Trump during a panel event on Saturday.

Trump was at 180 Church in Detroit, Michigan, where Sewell is the senior pastor, as he is campaigning for the 2024 election. Trump made similar trips around Detroit churches during his 2016 campaign.

“President Trump, I’m so humbled that you would be here. President Obama never came to the hood, so to speak,” Sewell said to applause. “President Joe Biden went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the hood — so thank you.”

The population of Detroit is nearly 80% black. Democratic candidates have slipped in support from the area since 2016, when then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received 47,000 fewer votes from Detroit voters than President Barack Obama did. Then, in 2020, Biden still did not recover the same number of votes that Obama once had, with only 6,000 more votes than Clinton.

Meanwhile, votes for Trump have increased marginally, as he originally received 3% of the vote in 2016 and over 5% the next election cycle.

Let me remind you: while President Trump was sitting down with this pastor and other community members in Detroit, Biden and Obama were busy at a star-studded event in Hollywood…

What a contrast.


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