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SUNDAY GOSPEL MESSAGE: The Fight That Never Ends…..Until You Die!

Happy Sunday my friends!

As we like to do around here each Sunday, I’m bringing you a Gospel message this afternoon.

Today we tune in with our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman who brings us this message:

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s in We Love Trump land!

In today’s message we will dive into what real spiritual warfare is about.

It’s the battle that will never end as long on you’re still on this earth.

This is a fact.

How do we as followers of Jesus deal with this battle?

How do we engage in this never ending battle?

Today I will show you how by the power of  Holy Spirit.  May the Lord continue to bless your walk with Jesus in these last days.

Love and eternal blessings to you all. God bless President Trump too abundantly. In Jesus Name Amen 🙏

Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA

Watch here:

And if you want more, here was his message from a few weeks ago…

GOSPEL MESSAGE: Receiving the Implanted Word of God

Happy Sunday my friends!

On this special Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend, I am pleased to bring you another great Gospel message.

This comes to us courtesy of our good friend Pastor Robb:

Today we speak on the subject of having the Word of God deeply rooted in our lives.

As Christians we will not be able to make it through this life without the Word of God. 

We will not survive heavy persecution without the promises of God to give us strength to endure.

May this message strengthen by the faith that is you.

Where does President Trump get his strength to endure. It’s truly a God thing.

Pastor Robb Goodman Sr Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA


And in case you missed last week’s message, I’ll post it right below:

GOSPEL MESSAGE: Happy Pentecost Sunday!

Happy Pentecost Sunday everyone!

Pastor Robb is back with us to celebrate Pentecost and explain what it means and why it’s such an important day to the church.

From Pastor Robb:

In today’s message we will share is important information out of the book of Acts of the Apostles.

What happened in the Upper Room was truly amazing. We will discuss it in great detail. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit changed my life forever. I will share my story about I got filled with Holy Spirit. I’ve never been the same. The Power that comes forth in our life is amazing.

I pray that you’ve not only been saved, but that you receive the gift of Holy Spirit too. Please keep praying for our President Donald Trump.  He really needs our prayers now.

He’s going through so much for all of us. The least that we can do is pray for him and his family as often as we can. I love you all very much. Happy Pentecost Sunday to everyone.

Pastor Robb Goodman
Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA




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