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Democrat Former Mayor Of Detroit Endorses Trump!

Former Democrat mayor of Detroit, Kwame Kilpatrick, has formally endorsed Trump.

The Trump campaign announced the endorsement on Saturday before Trump made an appearance at 180 Church in Detroit.

Kilpatrick was previously commuted by Trump.

In 2021, Trump commuted Kilpatrickā€™s 28-year sentence for public corruption to time served after the former mayor spent eight years in prison.

Regarding being commuted in 2021, Kilpatrick shared, “Who could ever not be thankful for him being in that position at that time and for him helping me?”

Per Deadline Detroit:

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who was released early from federal prison by then-President Donald Trump, has formally endorsed Trump, the Detroit NewsĀ reports.

The Trump campaign announced the endorsement on Saturday before Trump’s appearance at the 180 Church on Detroit’s west side.The endorsement comes as no real surprise since Kilpatrick has expressed deep gratitude to Trump, who commuted his sentence to time served in January 2021.

Kilpatrick served nearly eight of. a 28 year sentence for public corruption.

In March, Kilpatrick, 53,Ā  attended a Trump rally in Saginaw County, which could have been perceived as a clear sign that he was considering a formal endorsement.In an interview with Deadline DetroitĀ in January 2022 on Livernois in Detroit, Kilpatrick expressed his appreciation for Trump for commuting his sentence:”Who could ever not be thankful for him being in that position at that time and for him helping me.”

Per Detroit News:

Trump’s visit to 180 Church in Detroit was preceded by his campaign’s announcement of an endorsement of Trump by former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick as well as the formation of a Black Americans for Trump coalition.

Kilpatrick, whose sentence was commuted by Trump before he left office in January 2021, was listed among Trump’s endorsements and was briefly quoted in the announcement as a former mayor and state representative.

Former President Donald Trump shakes hands with Itasha Dotson of Detroit, left, as he arrives for a roundtable discussion on Saturday with Black Detroiters at 180 Church on Stansbury Avenue on Detroit’s west side. Trump’s visit to 180 Church was one of two campaign stops the presumptive Republican presidential nominee made in the city on Saturday.
ā€œI can never thank President Trump enough for what he’s done for me and my family by giving me freedom,” Kilpatrick said. “But I believe this election and the issues involved are personal to every family and every person in America.ā€

Kilpatrick, who was sentenced in 2013 on two dozen criminal counts of using his positions as mayor and state representative to carry out a decade-long criminal racket, also attended Trump’s rally in Saginaw County last month.


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