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President Trump: Eliminate Tax On Tips? How About We Eliminate The Entire IRS!

President Trump was back in Washington, D.C. today…

Not just back in D.C. but back on Capitol Hill!

MAGA is SO back!

There is so much to cover because it was a jam-packed day, so I’ll start off with a quick summary:

President Trump visited Washington, D.C., and had a series of meetings and engagements throughout the day. Here’s a summary of his activities:
  1. Meeting with House Republicans: Trump met with House Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club, located near the Capitol. This was his first visit to Capitol Hill since leaving office.
  2. Meeting with Senate Republicans: Following his meeting with House Republicans, Trump had lunch with Senate Republicans at the National Republican Senatorial Committee headquarters.
  3. Business Roundtable: After his meetings with lawmakers, Trump attended a Business Roundtable at The Wharf, an area in D.C. known for its bars and offices.
  4. Media Interactions: Trump was expected to address the media during his visit, although specific details about these interactions were not provided in the information available.
  5. Public Reaction: There was a crowd gathering outside the Capitol Hill Club in anticipation of Trump’s arrival. His visit to Capitol Hill was described as the “coolest thing” seen in D.C., indicating a positive reception among his supporters.

But it was one topic in particular that is capturing all the attention….

Just a few days ago, President Trump promised to stop taxing tips for service workers during his next Administration:

BREAKING: Trump Promises to Stop Taxing Tips!

That went over to big (Big League, you might say!) that he's now expanded it.

Today he floated the idea of eliminating the Income Tax altogether!

Absolutely BRILLIANT idea!

And not at all unreasonable either.

In fact, did you know that for MOST of our history as a Nation we did not have a Federal income tax?

It was an abhorrent idea to our Founders.

But they don't teach that in schools.

They don't want you to know your history, but I do.

The truth is that for 126 years as a Nation we had no Federal Income Tax, and since 1913 we've only had one for 122 years.  Here's the breakdown:

  • 1776-1861: No federal income tax.
  • 1861-1872: Federal income tax during the Civil War, repealed after the war.
  • 1872-1913: No federal income tax.
  • 1913-Present: Federal income tax established with the ratification of the 16th Amendment and the subsequent Revenue Act of 1913.

So while people like Harry Sissy on Twitter might think this is a crazy idea, it's not crazy at all.

It's actually very grounded in fact and history.

And we can do it again!

How fitting to see Rep. Thomas Massie make this announcement:

Rep. MTG confirms:

Here are more details, from CNBC:

Donald Trump on Thursday brought up the idea of imposing an “all tariff policy” that would ultimately enable the U.S. to get rid of the income tax, sources in a private meeting with the Republican presidential candidate told CNBC.

Trump, in the meeting with GOP lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, according to another source in the room.

The remarks show Trump, who championed tariffs as a foreign policy multi-tool during his first term in office, is considering a drastically more protectionist trade agenda if he defeats President Joe Biden in November.

Spokespeople for Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to CNBC’s requests for comment. Trump in a Truth Social post later Thursday morning said there was “lots discussed, all positive” in the meeting, without providing any more details.

Trump’s remark about replacing income taxes with tariffs quickly drew critics.

“Broadly substituting tariffs for income tax is a sure way to hit hard low and middle income Americans and reward top,” New York University School of Law professor David Kamin wrote on X.

Washington Post op-ed columnist Catherine Rampell noted that since tens of millions of Americans who pay no federal income taxes would presumably fall under Trump’s tariff plan, “this sounds like a huge tax increase on the lower/middle income classes.”

While there were a few talking head critics (mostly overpaid suits pushing the Democrat party line), the American people are eating this up!

You can watch President Trump's press conference here:


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