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Elon Musk and SpaceX Hit with Lawsuit by Ex-Employees Over Termination

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Well it seems some fragile ex-employees are upset with Elon Musk.

Eight of them have filed a lawsuit against SpaceX and its CEO Elon Musk.

They claim their terminations were in response to their objections about an allegedly toxic work environment reminiscent of “Animal House.”

The employees initially aired their grievances in a 2022 open letter.

According to their claims, the company promptly dismissed four of the plaintiffs the day after receiving the letter.

The others were allegedly fired following an internal inquiry.

Is this the woke striking back?

Does Elon need to create a safe space for these kinds of employees?

ABC News reports:

NEW YORK — Eight former employees sued SpaceX and its CEO Elon Musk, alleging that Musk ordered them fired after they challenged what they called rampant sexual harassment and a hostile “Animal House”-style work environment at the company.

The employees, who filed suit in a California state court, detailed their complaints in a 2022 open letter to management they shared via a company intranet. The next day, four of the plaintiffs were fired, they alleged; others were terminated later after an internal investigation.

In January, the federal National Labor Relations Board filed its own complaint against SpaceX based on issues raised by nine fired employees.

Among other workplace concerns, the open letter called on executives to condemn Musk’s public behavior on X — the platform then known as Twitter — and to hold all employees accountable for unacceptable conduct. Musk’s actions included making light of sexual harassment allegations against him — charges that the billionaire denied.

“As our CEO and most prominent spokesperson, Elon is seen as the face of SpaceX — every tweet that Elon sends is a de facto public statement by the company,” the open letter said at the time. The letter also referred to Musk’s actions as a ”frequent source of distraction and embarrassment.”


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