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JUST IN: Oprah Winfrey Hospitalized

Oprah Winfrey has been hospitalized for what is reportedly the stomach flu.

According to her ‘best friend’ (*cough* lover) Gayle King, it is a “very serious thing.”

On Tuesday, Oprah was supposed to appear on CBS Mornings, but apparently send Gayle King in her place after falling ill to a stomach virus.

Ms. King revealed some pretty graphic details about Oprah’s condition on the talk show, which I won’t repeat here, but you can read it for yourself down below. (Warning: it’s pretty gross.)

Take a look at the breaking news:

The Los Angeles Times reported:

Oprah Winfrey has been hospitalized, according to her best friend and journalist Gayle King, who overshared the graphic details about what’s ailing the media mogul.

King made the revelation Tuesday on “CBS Mornings” while explaining Winfrey’s absence from the news program, saying the former daytime TV queen needed medical attention due to a bad stomach virus.

“Yesterday she said, ‘I’m going to rally, I’m going to rally.’ She had some kind of stomach thing where — stomach flu where stuff was coming out of both ends. I won’t get too graphic,” King said.

“But needless to say, she ended up in the hospital. Dehydration, she had an IV, so it was a very serious thing,” King said. “She will be OK. She will be OK. I hope she’s not mad at me for sharing that detail, but I wanted to make it clear that it mattered to her and it bothered her that she couldn’t be here for you today.”

New York Post added:

Oprah Winfrey was hospitalized for “some kind of stomach thing,” her best friend, Gayle King, revealed on Tuesday.

Winfrey, 70, was supposed to drop by King’s “CBS Mornings,” but skipped out on the appearance due to being under the weather.

“She had some kind of stomach thing — stomach flu — stuff was coming out of both ends,” the news anchor, 69, explained.

“I won’t get too graphic. Needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, had to get an IV, it was a very serious thing.”

A spokesperson for Winfrey told Page Six that the billionaire “is recovering following a stomach flu and received an IV due to dehydration at the recommendation of her doctor.”

“She is resting and feeling better every day,” the statement concluded.

Now, I don’t want to wish ill on anyone suffering from sickness, but a lot of folks on social media don’t have much sympathy for Oprah on this one.

Take a look at these responses:

Personally, I have to wonder if this has anything to do with her being on the Ozempic weight loss drug, and I’m not the only one:


Some folks on social media have also noticed the strange timing of Oprah being sent to the hospital — after President Trump mentioned her several times during his groundbreaking interview with Dr. Phil and wished her his “best….”


Now, I’m not saying this really is anything more than a bad stomach virus or side effect of too much Ozempic.

Unlike the lamestream media, we just report the news here. We don’t make it up.

But…the timing is notable…

Watch this clip and decide for yourself, then tell me what you think:


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