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Rep. Ilhan Ohmar’s Husband Accused Of Fraud

Democrat Representative Ilhan Ohmar’s husband has been accused of fraud by Ohmar’s political candidate, Don Samuels.

Samuels is accusing Ilhan Ohmar’s husband, Tim Mynett, of fraud.

Samuels alleges Mynett’s company is involved in three different lawsuits that claim Mynet”s company has made money disappear.

Public financial records of Ohmar’s campaign revealed that Mynett’s consulting firm earned over $3 million from Ohmar’s 2020 campaign.


Here’s what Fox 9 reported:

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is feeling the heat from her political opponent after accusations of fraud against a business partly owned by her husband.

She has no direct connection to the business, but opponents say she benefitted. Her husband is Tim Mynett and his consulting firm legally got about $3 million from her 2020 campaign.

Now he’s involved in a few other business ventures that are involved in lawsuits claiming his company has made money disappear.

Don Samuels seized on reports of fraud against the husband of Rep. Ilhan Omar, his opponent in the race for Congress.

At a press conference Thursday, a FOX 9 reporter asked him when a spouse’s business ventures should become fair game for political attacks.

“When the funds are from a family source, especially when the family source of those funds come from the public,” Samuels said.

Per Minnesota Reformer:

In fall 2021, D.C.-area restaurant owner Naeem Mohd was presented with an unbelievable investment opportunity.

Two political operatives-turned-venture capitalists would triple Mohd’s money in just 18 months if he invested $300,000 in their new California winery.

The pair had been paid in grapes by a former client and had hired a well-respected Sonoma winemaker to turn those grapes into profit. They promised if they didn’t pay Mohd the full $900,000 on time, they would tack on 10% monthly interest on any outstanding balance, according to the contract shared with the Reformer.

The offer might have seemed suspicious if not for the person making it: Tim Mynett, a well-connected political consultant and husband to U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, whom he married in 2020.

Mynett came recommended by Mohd’s attorney, Faisal Gill, a former Democratic operative himself who knew Mynett from his days working on Keith Ellison’s congressional campaigns. Mynett and Gill had been friends since. Omar endorsed Gill in his unsuccessful bid for L.A. County Attorney, and Gill donated $1,000 to Omar’s campaign in 2021.


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