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Fans Worried About Martin Lawrence’s Health After New Public Appearance

Remember the Bad Boys?

Martin Lawrence and Will Smith?

Man, that was pure 1990s prime time stuff!

Back when the world was simpler….

Back when I didn’t know that Will Smith and his wife had an “open marriage” and before Will Smith was slapping people at awards shows….

Back when I could just enjoy a Robert DeNiro movie before he told us how much of a hateful, far-left human being he is….

Just simpler times.

More fun in many ways.

Just two Bad Boys of comedy tearing it up on the big screen.


Now fans are very concerned about Martin Lawrence’s health after he looked like this at a public event for the new Bad Boys movie:

Wow, that does not look good.

Is Will essentially holding him up?

He looks like my elderly grandfather!

Backup video here:

Sure doesn’t look good to me!

Here’s more from TMZ:

Martin Lawrence is speaking out after the internet was convinced his health was failing amid the ‘Bad Boys’ press run … and he says he’s doing just fine.

The 59-year-old comedian addressed the rumors on Tuesday as he and Will Smith sat with Hot 97’s “Ebro in the Morning” team — this after the Twitter-sphere went into a frenzy after seeing a recent clip of Will seemingly assisting a somewhat frail-looking Martin on top of a bus.

Ebro gave Martin the floor, asking him if he wanted to clear anything up — specifically asking him if his health was alright in light of all the chatter. Martin didn’t hesitate to clarify here.

He says … “I am fine. I am in God’s hands. I am blessed. I am glad to be waking up every day and everything. No need for people to be concerned. I am healthy as hell. Stop the rumors.”

Again, these rumors didn’t come from thin air … during the L.A. ‘BB4’ premiere, Will clearly leads Martin by hand as they walk along the megabus they were riding in, and Martin’s movements were noticeably sluggish.

Wait a minute, let me see if I have this correct….he says he is “just happy to wake up each morning”….and that he’s “fine”?

Wait, what?

Watch here:

Backup video here:

I hope he’s ok!


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