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America First Legal Demands Release of Judge Merchan’s Financial Records

Over the weekend America First Legal made a formal demand directed at the State of New York Ethics Commission.

What’s it about?

It’s regarding the financial records of none other than Judge Juan Merchan.

According to New York Law, judges are bound by duty to unveil their annual financial declarations when requested.

Enter America First Legal.

And they’ve requested it.

This should get very interesting and fast!

(Maybe they should look into his daughter’s financial records, too. Is the Judge being paid through her?)

His daughter got $150,000, eh?

DA Bragg. I’m sure he and his office have nothing to hide after convicting President Donald Trump.

Let’s just look into his office.

Turns out DEI is a priority focus over at his office:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The work of our office is strengthened by the diversity of our staff and the communities we serve. We actively seek and welcome people identifying with any sex, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status, gender identity, or pregnancy status and those who are at the intersections of these identities. We encourage everyone to bring their whole selves to work, because our collective experiences greatly enrich the D.A.’s Office.

Our Diversity Equity Inclusion and Justice priorities include:

  • Ensuring our staff reflects the diversity of the communities we serve
  • Continuing to partner with communities to build trust and lasting relationships
  • Centering victim experiences
  • Increasing feeling of belonging

Do you feel like you belong?

Is DEI not accomplishing the opposite while trying to gaslight the public?

The majority of this country is meant to feel as if they don’t belong.

‘Minority rules’ is the mindset behind all of this.

But do you think that will continue if the White race ever becomes a minority in America?

Jewish reporter at NBC, Jennifer Rubin, already said that’s a “big fat no.”

She’s even celebrating that White population is on the decline. “It’s fabulous!”

So minority rule is the goal. Until it becomes Whites are a minority?

So then if DEI is not about protecting minorities, whatever the race is, does that mean they just don’t like Whites?

Funny how these pro-DEI people are so anti-Trump. Here’s an a current capture of her profile on Twitter X:

Sad thing is, Whites are already a minority in many areas in America, so then DEI should apply to us too, right?

Whites in the working class are now a minority:

White students in our schools are now a minority.

Notice the progression over the last 10+ years:

So if DEI rules the land, and every judge and governor and mayor and cop and lawyer become fully DEI, they’ll be kind and fair to the new minority, (the White citizens) right?

They’ll give special treatment still to White minorities?

Or would DEI disappear overnight once they have accomplished their goal?



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