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Watch: Trump Raises Millions As Fans Pack Streets And Water In Deep-Blue California

Rallies in Democratic-controlled states like New York and New Jersey have proven that Donald Trump has plenty of fans even in these leftist bastions. But the real test came in California, which has long had a reputation as an actively hostile destination for anyone on the right.

Nevertheless, Trump showed up in the Golden State for recent fundraisers and was greeted by an enthusiastic throng of supports who were eager to open their wallets to support his campaign.

As Breitbart reported:

Trump arrived in Newport Beach, California, on Saturday for a rally hosted by a health insurance entrepreneur, John Word, and his wife, Kimberly, according to CBS News.

Tickets for the event reportedly ranged from $3,300 for the lunch reception, and $6,600 for each couple. For a photo opportunity, it was $35,000 or raising $75,000. For members of the roundtable host committee, it was $100,000 per person, according to the website for the Republican Party of Orange County.

Margo Martin, the deputy director of communications for the Trump campaign, posted a video to X showing Trump waving to several boats in Newport Beach that were honking and making noise in support of the former president.

Video clips of supporters lining the streets and Trump greeting his boating fans quickly spread on social media:

The Newport Beach fundraiser came after other successful California outings last week.

Some of those who showed up challenged the narrative that the presumptive GOP presidential nominee doesn’t have significant support in the state, as KTLA reported:

A supporter, Blake Marnell, said he drove from San Diego to await Trump’s arrival in Orange County.

“We do get a rap as a blue state and at the state level, those offices are solidly Democratic, but that belies the point that there are enclaves of conservative politics all throughout California,” Marnell said.

The Newport Beach event was Trump’s final stop in California after holding events in San Francisco on Thursday and Beverly Hills on Friday.

On the heels of his conviction on 34 felony charges on May 30, the Republican presidential candidate reportedly raised $141 million in May.

The Beverly Hills event reportedly raised around $6 million. The San Francisco event raised around $12 million which was hosted by David Sacks, a venture capitalist and former PayPal executive, along with his wife, Jacqueline Sacks, and venture capitalist Chamath Palihapitiya.

Here’s some additional coverage of the recent rally:


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