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Support For Trump In Newport Beach, CA Is MASSIVE Ahead Of SoCal Rally!

Donald Trump is going to win California!

Mark it down….

I have never seen this type of support before, especially in the so-called “blue state” of CommieFornia!

Perhaps it’s not all the blue after all….

Perhaps the people are tired of Gavin Newsom’s horrible policies and want sanity….

Because all I see is MAGA Country:

Sorry folks, this is NOT a motorcade for a “Former President”…

This is your Commander In Chief right here:

The President of the People!

Newport Beach is ready to rock!

The information available about Donald Trump’s Newport Beach rally today, is as follows:
  1. Event Details:
    • The event was a sold-out campaign fundraiser.
    • It was hosted by tech entrepreneur Palmer Luckey and Kimberly and John Word.
    • The location was at the home of health insurance company owner John Word and his wife Kimberly on Harbor Island in Newport Beach.
    • The fundraiser offered various ticket prices, ranging from $3,300 for a lunch reception to $100,000 to be designated as a member of the roundtable host committee.
  2. Road Closures:
    • Bayside Drive from Jamboree Road to Pacific Coast Highway was closed to all motor traffic starting at 7 a.m.
    • Only local residents were permitted to enter with proof of residency, such as photo identification, passport, or some other proof of address.
    • Street closures continued through 3 p.m., according to the Newport Beach Police Department.
  3. Public Response:
    • Supporters lined the streets of Newport Beach early in the morning, hoping to catch a glimpse of the motorcade en route to the fundraiser.
    • The harbor was filled with boats flying Trump flags.
    • Supporters gathered at various intersections, showing enthusiasm for the event.
    • A tweet from @TrumpDailyPosts showed a video of a Trump caravan arriving in Newport Beach, viewed from a boat on Newport Harbor.
  4. Political Context:
    • The event comes shortly after Trump was convicted on 34 felony charges, which has not slowed down his campaign efforts or fundraising.
    • The Trump campaign reported a spike of nearly $35 million in donations following his conviction.
    • Trump’s visit to Newport Beach is part of a larger fundraising swing across Southern California.
  5. Media Coverage:
    • The event was closed to the news media, as is customary for a fundraiser for a presidential candidate.
    • Several tweets and posts on social media platforms like Twitter/X provided live updates and visuals from the event and its surroundings.


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