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Trump’s License To Carry In New York Will Soon Be Revoked

President Trump’s license to carry a gun in New York is expected to be revoked in the coming weeks.

The 45th President’s license is in danger of being revoked due to him being convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

Last year, Trump’s concealed carry license was suspended due to being charged with a felony.

Trump’s only option now is to file a legal petition if he doesn’t the NYPD will revoke his license to carry.

Check out what The New York Post reported:

Former President Donald Trump’s license to carry a gun in New York is expected to be revoked after he was convicted of 34 felony counts in Manhattan last week, sources told The Post.

While Trump’s concealed carry license had already been suspended last year, the license will “likely” be revoked by the NYPD unless the president files a legal petition, the sources said on Wednesday.

Under New York state and federal law, convicted felons are barred from possessing any type of firearm, with Trump legally mandated to surrender all weapons to authorities by his July 11 sentencing.

Trump could keep his weapons by applying for a certificate of relief from civil disabilities, but the former president’s legal team has yet to file the petition, sources added.

Per ABC News:

The NYPD will be revoking former President Donald Trump’s gun permit following his conviction on 34 felony counts last week in Manhattan, sources told ABC News.

Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon is a federal crime.

The former president’s gun permit was initially suspended after he was criminally indicted last year by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.


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