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Major Update: Judge Makes Ruling On The Future Of Alex Jones’ Info Wars

As WLT Report covered on Saturday, Info Wars host Alex Jones announced that the Federal Government is in the process of seizing his Info Wars studio.

In an emergency broadcast by Jones on Saturday, he stated, “I’ve been targeted for abuse. I was duped by someone. Federal files in secret have claimed that I’m committing crimes.”

“This was untrue, of course… This may be my final performance,” added Jones.

Jones stated the Feds are attempting to seize Info Wars’ assets as part of the $1.5 billion lawsuit filed against him in the Sandy Hook lawsuit.

On Monday, Info Wars was handed a lifeline by a judge.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez ruled Jones can keep Info Wars running for the next two weeks as the court determines whether his assets should be liquidated or not.

Here’s what the Independent reported:

Sandy Hook denier Alex Jones has been handed a lifeline by a judge after he broke down in tears on his conspiracy-laden Infowars show, claiming that federal authorities were trying to shut it down.

On Monday, US Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez issued a ruling allowing Jones to keep operations up and running for the next two weeks while the court decides whether his assets should be liquidated.

Jones was previously sued by the families of the Sandy Hook shooting victims for pushing a conspiracy theory that the massacre was a hoax. A judge ultimately ordered him to pay $1.5bn in compensation to the families.

The ruling led to Jones and his company Free Speech Systems filing for bankruptcy reorganization and he has so far failed to pay out any of the sum, claiming he was “officially out of money”.

On Sunday, the Sandy Hook families filed an emergency motion to plunge the company into liquidation.

Per AP:

After a weekend in which conspiracy theorist Alex Jones warned that his media company faced an imminent shutdown by the federal government because of his bankruptcy cases, a judge on Monday allowed Jones to keep operating for the next two weeks while it is decided whether his assets should be liquidated.

Both Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems, filed for bankruptcy reorganization after he lost two lawsuits and was ordered to pay $1.5 billion to relatives of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. They sued Jones for calling the shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators in Newtown, Connecticut, a hoax, claiming defamation and infliction of emotional distress.

The families have opposed Jones’ reorganization plans. On Sunday, they filed an emergency motion to convert Free Speech Systems’ bankruptcy reorganization into a liquidation, saying Jones has not made progress in showing how he will pay the lawsuit judgments.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez in Houston said Monday that he will address the motion on June 14, when a decision on whether to liquidate Jones and his company’s assets is expected.


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