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Is This Blasphemy By Kenneth Copeland?

Thanks to a reader for bringing this to my attention.

We’re going to take a brief break from politics to talk corruption and blasphemy in the church.

So important, have to do it.

And today we’re talking about Kenneth Copeland.

For those who don’t know, he’s basically “higher up” in their denomination that Hank Kunneman but they are part of the same group.

More on Hank below for those that are interested.

But now we have to talk about what Copeland did in this video below.

It’s deeply troubling, at least to me…and to the person who sent me this video.


Watch first and then I’ll give you my thoughts below the video:

Ok, so problem #1 — I see no where in the Bible that it says to cut your hand and mix it into the Communion wine.

Problem #2 — doing so implies Jesus’ blood was not enough, that it somehow has to be mixed with yours.

Problem #3 — it’s just downright creepy.  And what’s with all the theatrics?  And why does he often look like he’s possessed by a demon?  I’m not saying he is, I’m just saying what’s up with these looks?

But I just report….I want to know what YOU think!


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