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WATCH: J6’er Brandon Fellows TROLLS Fauci During Testimony

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Earlier today, Dr. Anthony Fauci testified at a House Oversight Committee hearing about the origins of the COVID virus and the government’s response during the 2020 pandemic.

As he brought up being harassed over his handling of COVID, a “mystery man” sitting in the audience started making crybaby faces in the background, trolling and mocking Fauci.

It turns out that this man was Brandon Fellows, a January 6th protestor who received a sentence of 6 years for so-called “insurrection” and served 3 of those years before being let out of prison.

Watch here:

Raw Story reported:

Dr. Anthony Fauci was called back to Congress on Monday and attacked by Republican lawmakers — but his foes weren’t merely before him in the congressional hearing.

A Jan. 6 attacker who served one of the toughest prison sentences yet handed out was perched over his left shoulder, making faces.

National security expert Marcy Wheeler pointed out on X that Brandon Fellows was just released from prison on May 20 after serving three years on both felony and misdemeanor charges.

Dr. Fauci spoke to the House Oversight Committee about threats and harassment that he’s faced as a result of his handing of the COVID pandemic. There have also been threats on his family.

As he spoke, Fellows made a pouty face behind Dr. Faucis.

The Justice Department said in a release that Fellows was convicted of entering the Capitol and smoking cannabis in a senator’s office, among other things. He filmed the whole ordeal, narrating the chaos from outside the door of the senator.

Shortly after epically trolling Fauci, Fellows was removed from the hearing.

But not before yelling out that Fauci should go to prison!

MeidasTouchNews said:

J6 defendant Brandon Fellows had to be removed from the House Committee hearing today where Dr. Anthony Fauci was called to testify.

A number of J6ers were in attendance at the hearing, including Michael Flynn associate Ivan Raiklin who sat right behind Fauci with Fellows so they could mug for the cameras while attempting to mock him. Raiklin waited for Fauci to arrive this morning, and followed him down the hallway yelling conspiracies at him while accusing him of mass murder.

As Fauci was describing the credible death threats against himself and his family, he choked up when mentioning his daughters, while Raiklin and Fellows made faces behind him.

Fellows was then finally removed from the hearing, and on his way out the door he yelled that Fauci should be in prison.

Fellows was sentenced on February 27, 2024 to 42 months in prison for his role in J6. After breaking into the Capitol, Fellows sat at Senator Jeff Merkley’s desk and smoked marijuana in his office while putting his feet up on the desk.

Of course, Dr. Fauci was not too happy with Fellows.

DailyMail wrote about his reaction:

Dr. Anthony Fauci expressed his bafflement with the presence of a January 6 defendant making faces in the background of his heated testimony to Congress Monday.

Fauci went head-to-head with Republicans like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who told the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases he was ‘not a doctor’ and ‘belonged in prison’ during heated questioning.

He was interviewed Monday night about the presence of a man behind him who was consistently making faces and shaking his head at Fauci’s testimony.

It was revealed the mystery man was Brandon Fellows, a pro-MAGA rioter who smoked weed in Senator Jeff Merkley’s office during the insurrection. He was was just released from prison on May 20.

Fauci said he was made aware of who was sitting behind him after the hearing and asked: ‘What’s somebody like that doing at a hearing about COVID?’


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