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OUTRAGE: Biden Spox: Trump is a “Growing Threat” We Will “End Once and for All”

The Biden campaign’s spokesperson is in hot water for revealing the truth about what the campaign thinks about President Trump.

During an interview on Fox News, the spokesperson called Trump a “growing threat,” which at least acknowledges Trump’s popularity in the polls… but did you notice how dangerous that language is?


You know what’s a threat?

Terrorism. That’s a threat.

Crime. That’s a threat.

Open borders. That’s a threat.

But a former president who willingly left office, and yes, conceded power… no, that is not a threat.

That is dehumanizing language.

But that’s not the worst of it.

The spokesperson vowed that the Biden campaign will “end” the threat “once and for all.”

Take a look:

Why hasn’t the Biden regime ever used language that harshly against criminals, murderers, and rapists?

Why haven’t they condemned the law breakers crossing the southern border in equally harsh terms?

Where is the equally strong language against Hamas and Hamas supporters?

Why are they referring to a former and beloved president in such a vulgar way?

Red State confirms:

We saw Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler leading that train wreck of a campaign move outside the Trump trial in Manhattan with actor Robert De Niro. Whoever thought that up really should be canned for such a bad move because it immediately confirmed the political nature of the trial and how they were trying to use it in the election. It blew up all kinds of norms in the process.


[Tyler said:] This is not a normal election. Donald Trump has already demonstrated that he is not a normal candidate. He is a fundamental, persistent, and growing threat to our democracy. And Joe Biden is running to make sure we end that threat, once and for all.

Folks, does that sound like a return to “normalcy” and civility to you?

Does that sound like normal rhetoric?

You do NOT “end” political opponents.

You defeat their ideas.

This is a dangerous and wildly outrageous dog whistle.

But we shouldn’t be surprised.

Don’t forget that just hours after Trump was convicted, Biden gave an unsettling smile for the cameras.

Fortunately, the Trump team is already fighting back.

They’ve turned Biden’s unhinged smile into a campaign video.

Per Axios:

It took less than three hours for the Trump campaign to turn this moment — as President Biden left the State Dining Room on Friday after speaking on the Middle East — into a campaign video.

The big picture: The video was created the day after a New York jury found former President Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to hide a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels before the 2016 election.

State of play: At 1:42 p.m. on Friday, NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell shouted as Biden walked out: “Mr. President, can you tell us, sir: Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that, sir?”

You can watch the video for yourself below:

The music, the editing, the feel…



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