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“The Face of Corruption”: Trump Campaign Strikes Back at Biden’s “Creepy” Smile

President Trump has struck back at Joe Biden.

This is exactly why they hate him.

He’s a fighter.

He doesn’t cave like other Republicans would have.

Trump’s campaign has released a new ad that is quickly going viral.

It’s titled: ‘The Face of Corruption.”

Do you remember when Joe Biden was asked about whether or not Trump is a political prisoner?

Do you remember that weird, creepy, all-knowing smirk that Biden gave the cameras?

Well, the Trump campaign has brilliantly turned that into an add.

Take a look:

The smirk says it all.

He can deny it all he wants, but a picture says a thousand words.

And above all, actions speak louder than words.

The Washington Times confirms:

The Trump campaign has turned a picture of President Biden smiling while leaving the State Dining Room after speaking about the Middle East into a campaign video with a sinister feel.

Mr. Biden delivered remarks Friday on the Middle East at the White House. While he was leaving, a reporter called out and asked him about former President Donald Trump’s referring to himself as a political prisoner, and blaming the president.

The president didn’t say anything, but turned towards the reporters and smiled, in a face that has now gone viral.

In an X post, campaign adviser Chris LaCivita, posted the video that showed Mr. Biden as “the face of corruption.”

The roughly 30-second ad starts off with Mr. Trump railing against his criminal hush money case in New York as suspenseful music plays in the background with shots of the White House.

It then cuts to the video of Mr. Biden walking out of the speech. The camera zooms in on his face as he smiles, with the music still playing.

This was a brilliant move.

It shows that Trump is still willing to fight and call out corruption to its face.

It also shows how arrogant and unabashed Joe Biden is.

He doesn’t care that he’s destroyed civility and every democratic norm we’ve had – just to get his “enemy.”

Some people have called his smile “evil.”

No matter how you want to describe it, it’s not normal.

And it’s certainly not “Grandpa Joe.”

More like vindictive Joe.

Fortunately, Republicans are rallying the troops around Trump.

Politico has more details:

Senior elected Republicans across the country are racing to Donald Trump’s side following his criminal conviction — even those who’ve criticized him openly in the past.

Speaker Mike Johnson went beyond defending the former president, taking the unusual step of calling for the Supreme Court to intervene in Trump’s appeal. House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) made clear on Friday that he’d take new steps to investigate the team that got the conviction in New York, writing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg to seek his Capitol Hill testimony on the “political prosecution” of Trump.

“There is a zeal out there in the base, an enthusiasm, a motivation, and … President Trump is no longer just an individual. He is now a symbol,” Johnson told conservative host Hugh Hewitt on Friday. “He is a symbol of fighting back against this corruption of our system and the deep state and all the rest.”

Even the handful of GOP senators who once resisted Trump’s influence on the party were critical of the conviction. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, whose relationship with Trump unraveled after he congratulated President Joe Biden for winning in 2020, posted on social media Thursday night that he expects the former president’s appeal to succeed — without directly mentioning Trump.

Even Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who supported the former president’s second impeachment, issued a statement criticizing the decision to bring the case.

It’s about time.

It appears even the RINOs have woken up and have seen this corruption for what it is.

Hopefully they stay awake.

And hopefully more Americans wake up, too.

This ad is another piece to help get their attention.

Be sure to spread it!


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