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Trump’s Approval JUMPS UP While He Receives Nearly $53 MILLION in Donations!

The real verdict is in. The people love Trump! His approval rating has skyrocketed after that sham guilty verdict in New York.

Folks, it just goes to show that most Americans know what this trial was really about.

They even donated upwards of $53 MILLION to Trump in 24 hours!

If Trump’s support was a plane, it would never land. It’s flying high with no signs of stopping!


Fun fact: his approval rating actually saw a six-point boost after being found guilty.

Democrats think the term ‘felon’ is going to scare away the voters. Guess again.

Gateway Pundit reports:

Trump’s approval rating has gone up following his sham guilty verdict in New York, according to a new poll.

It just goes to show that the vast majority of Americans know what the trial was all about and disapprove of the Democrats’ fascist tactics.

More backfire is coming, but this is a good start.

Support for Trump Skyrockets In New Poll Following Conviction

If the Democratic Party thought convicting former President Donald Trump was going to make his millions of supporters abandon him, they better think twice.

In fact, he got a six-point jump in approval after being found guilty of 34 counts for falsifying business records.

According to a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll was taken just hours after 12 jurors convicted Trump in an unprecedented and politically-motivated move.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters— who can ultimately decide the outcome of the November election.

“Our snap poll of a representative sample of likely voters shows that for most Americans the trial has not changed their deep-set views of Trump,” he said. “But amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6 points. That is outside of the margin of the error of the poll and we are saying that is significant.”

“It extends to Independent voters too. Look at the explanations and it is clear why: people feel it was a politically motivated trial and view Trump as a ‘fighter’ against what they see as injustice.”





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