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The HYPOCRISY Is Astounding: Flashback To The Time Paula Jones Proudly Flaunted Her “Payoff” Check From Bill Clinton

If the Democrats didn’t have double-standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

A flashback video is going viral right now of Paula Jones.

Remember Paula Jones?

Here’s what ChatGPT says about the infamous events of the 1990s:

The Paula Jones story is a significant part of the controversies surrounding former U.S. President Bill Clinton. Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Clinton in 1994. She claimed that in 1991, while Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas, he made unwanted sexual advances towards her in a hotel room.

The case gained national attention and played a role in the broader investigations into Clinton’s conduct, including the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Jones’s lawsuit sought damages for emotional distress, but the case faced several legal hurdles.

In April 1998, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright dismissed the lawsuit, ruling that Jones had not suffered any damages. However, Jones appealed the decision, and the case continued to make headlines.

In November 1998, Clinton agreed to an out-of-court settlement. He paid Paula Jones $850,000, though he did not admit any wrongdoing or apologize as part of the settlement. This settlement allowed Clinton to focus on his presidency and avoid the continued legal and public scrutiny of the case.

The Paula Jones case is often cited in discussions about sexual harassment and the legal and political challenges faced by public figures accused of misconduct.

So let me see if I have this straight….Bill Clinton and Paula Jones engaged in a “settlement check” and that was perfectly fine.

Even flaunted it during a presser.

But Trump is convicted of 34 counts?

Give me a break!

Backup video here:

Good question here by Derek:

Oh the arrogance of these Democrats is absolutely sickening.


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