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Machete Attack in NYC Times Square

Time Square, New York City.

In broad daylight.

You’d think that’s a fairly safe time to be there.

Go sightseeing, take some pics, grab a bite to eat.

Well, apparenyly there’s a new gang in town and the position of the sun doesn’t stop their machetes from coming unsheathed and used against the local citizens.

Either that, or these thugs are just emboldened by the city’s lack of enforcing the law.

Sadly, on Thursday around 1:00 pm, someone learned that the hardway, by having his legs stabbed by a machete-wielding group outside of McDonald’s.

(What is it about fights at/near McDonald’s?)

Is this the new normal for New York City?

Three men have been detained for questioning while the victim was rushed to Bellevue Hospital.

But was this really a crime or just another day of cultural enrichment?

Fox News reports:

A man was rushed to the hospital Thursday afternoon after he was stabbed in the legs with a machete in New York’s Times Square, police said.

The NYPD said the stabbing occurred at West 45th and Broadway around 1 p.m.

The victim, an unidentified man, was stabbed in both legs and taken to Bellevue Hospital.

The victim was said to be in stable condition.

Police said three suspects fled the scene.

An NYPD spokesperson told Fox News Digital that three men were later taken into police custody for questioning. No charges have been filed.

A local gives their take in NYC after 30 years.

Here’s another machete attack in NY from earlier this year.

Justice came swift.

Even the lovely locals will pop out of their apartments to say hi.

And hold a machete to your throat. New York sounds like the place to be!


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