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Trump Closing Arguments: ‘Greatest Liar of All Time’

It looks like we’re in the final act of the Donald Trump hush money trial.

The prosecution and defense spent all day Tuesday wrapping up their arguments with the prosecution really dragging it out.

Trump’s team decided to focus their closing argument Michael Cohen.

They wanted to remind the jury that he isn’t trustworthy.

Todd Blanche, Trump’s attorney, was basically saying, ‘If you can’t believe Cohen, you can’t believe the whole story.’

We’ll have to wait and see if the jury buys it.

Or have they already been bought?

Washington Examiner reports:

A verdict in former President Donald Trump’s New York hush money trial is drawing near, with closing arguments ending after a long day in court Tuesday.

The prosecution and defense summed up nearly one month and a half worth of arguments and testimonies in one final effort to win over the jury.

Trump’s team centered their concluding argument on undermining the credibility of former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, the prosecution’s star witness. Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, argued that the prosecution’s entire argument rested on Cohen, so if Cohen couldn’t be believed, neither could the case.

“What Mr. Trump knew in 2016, you only know from one source,” he said. “And that’s Michael Cohen.”

Blanche described Cohen as “The human embodiment of reasonable doubt,” “An M.V.P. of liars,” and “The greatest liar of all time,” the New York Times reported.

The prosecution, meanwhile, sought to portray Trump’s alleged actions as a massive conspiracy that may just have decided the fate of the 2016 election. Trump’s alleged hush money payments and efforts by the National Enquirer to buy and hide negative stories against Trump was a form of election fraud, attorney Joshua Steinglass argued.

“This scheme, cooked up by these men, at this time, could very well be what got President Trump elected,” he said. “This was overt election fraud, an act in furtherance of the conspiracy to promote Mr. Trump’s election by unlawful means.”

Prosecutors also pushed back against Blanche’s claim that the prosecution’s entire argument hinged on Cohen, pointing to the other evidence brought forward during the trial.

“They want to make this case about Michael Cohen: It isn’t,” Steinglass said. “It’s about Donald Trump.”

Breitbart adds:

Todd Blanche, one of former President Donald Trump’s attorneys, called disgraced former lawyer Michael Cohen the “greatest liar of all time” or “GLOAT” during closing arguments Tuesday.

Blanche cited “a number of times Cohen lied that are largely not in dispute” while listing institutions and people he argued Cohen has lied to, ranging from Congress to his own family, per Politico’s Ben Feurherd.

Blanche, who worked during Cohen’s cross-examination to brand him as a liar, also called him “the human embodiment of reasonable doubt, literally” on Tuesday, the New York Times reported.

During cross-examination on May 16, Blanche accused Cohen of lying in his testimony about the nature of a 2016 phone call to Trump’s bodyguard, Keith Schiller. Cohen reportedly claimed he spoke to Trump during the brief phone call about an alleged payment to Stormy Daniels, but Blanche painted the picture that the call was actually about harassing phone calls Cohen had been receiving from a 14-year-old prankster.

Trump Legal Spokeswoman Alina Habba goes over the case with Jesse Watters:


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