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HILARIOUS: Red-Pilled Artist Unveils His New “Robert DeNiro” Portrait

We’ve covered Scott LoBaido here before but you might not recognize his name right away.

You will soon.

He’s a hilarious and great artist who is skewering the Far Left with his artwork.

Previous targets: George and Alex Soros (more on that farther below).

Current muse: Robert “Crybaby” DeNiro.

This is so great, take a look:

Backup video here:

Isn’t that perfect?

I want one for my wall!

Here was his past work:

Artist Presents “Portrait of George and Alex Soros” To The Open Society Foundation Offices

You gotta love art….

The way it can evoke strong emotional responses in each of us.

The classic phrase: “a picture is worth a thousand words”.

I deal with words here at WLTReport so I have so much respect for artists who can convey such deep messages with images alone.

I especially love artists who push the boundaries with their art….

Like this guy, meet Scott LoBaido.

Scott painted an official portrait of George and Alex Soros and then delivered it to their offices!

Take a look:

Backup here:

Classic and nicely done Scott!

Here is the artist hanging out with President Trump:

Also, can I just say one thing?

Are we sure that is not actually Jeff Goldblum?

I mean, they look like they could be twins right?


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