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VIDEO: Biden’s $320M Gaza Pier is Now Sinking Into the Ocean…

The United States military has been forced to halt aid deliveries to Gaza after the Pentagon admitted that Joe Biden’s $320 million “floating pier” project has failed.

Apparently, the pier was damaged by rough waves and is now sinking.

The Gaza pier, meant to help deliver aid to Palestinians, was only up for two weeks before it started sinking into the depths of the ocean…

Take a look:

Here’s another photo of the pier:


I don’t know about you, but that pier sure doesn’t look like it’s worth $320 million to me…

Even before it started sinking into the sea, I wouldn’t trust it enough to even let my dog walk on it.

And, it doesn’t look like I’m the only one who thinks this.

Check out these responses on social media:


Fox News has more on the story:

The U.S. was forced to suspend the delivery of aid to its temporary “floating pier” on the coast of Gaza on Tuesday after rough weather caused the structure to break apart.

Four vessels that had stabilized the pier broke off due to choppy waters earlier this week, but officials said the pier was still operational. That is no longer the case as of Tuesday, officials confirmed to Fox News Digital. The U.S. did not offer a timeline for how long repairs would take.

A U.N. official said the repairs would take at least a week, however, according to NBC News.

President Biden’s administration spent roughly $320 million constructing the massive, floating dock. It was operational for barely a week before the damage occurred.

NBC News also reported:

The United States military has been forced to suspend aid deliveries into the Gaza Strip by sea after its temporary pier system off Gaza’s coast suffered damage in bad weather, the Defense Department confirmed Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, we had a perfect storm of high sea states,” deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh said at a news conference.

Army engineers are in the process of putting the pier back together and the DOD hopes that it “will be fully operational in just a little over a week,” Singh said.

Singh spoke after NBC News, citing information from a United Nations official, a U.S. official, and an Israeli official, reported that the damage was done to a causeway that is attached to the beach in Gaza.

Aid unloaded on the massive floating dock is shuttled onto the causeway by small boats. The U.N. official said it could take a week to repair.

The damage is the latest setback to the temporary pier system, which was first announced by President Joe Biden during his State of the Union address in March and became operational just two weeks ago.


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