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Thief Uses Garbage Bag As Disguise To Steal Package

This may be the most bizarre story you read this week.

A video that has gone viral shows a thief disguising themselves as a trash bag to steal a package off a Sacramento man’s porch.

Omar Munoz told ABC 10 news that after he noticed his package was missing, he reviewed footage recorded by his ring doorbell camera and to his surprise, he saw a bag coming towards his door.

Munoz shared, “At first, I was kind of angry because it was something I was expecting. But at the end of the day, it was kind of funny.”

Watch the moment it happened here:

Here’s what ABC 10 reported:

First-time Sacramentohomeowner Omar Munoz is getting a crash course on the risks of package delivery.
He moved into his Glenwood Meadows home in North Sacramento in January, and on Friday, he was stunned by what he saw on his surveillance system.

“You see the bag coming to my door,” Munoz said to ABC10 as he played back the surreal video. “At first, I thought they were messing with me.”

A person can be seen crouched inside a trash bag, slowly waddling to Munoz’s door step, picking up a small package and waddling away.

Surprisingly, Munoz wasn’t too upset. It wasn’t a very expensive item, he said.

“At first, I was kind of angry because it was something I was expecting. But at the end of the day, it was kind of funny,” he said. “I take everything in the good way because that’s part of life. If you see the bad way of everything, you’re going nowhere.”

Per USA Today:

The package thief was caught on camera in Sacramento late last month, attempting to nab a package from the home of Omar Gabriel Munoz. Instead of simply walking up to the porch, the thief appears to go full Ace Ventura, disguising themselves as a simple black garbage bag.

Footage captured by Munoz’s door camera shows the thief crouched low to the ground with their body hidden inside the garbage bag. With nothing but feet sticking out of the bottom, the perp slowly makes their way up the property’s front sidewalk, shuffling along in an apparent attempt to look like, well, a pile of garbage.

Making their way to the front porch, the thief-turned-sentient-garbage-bag hovers over the small package, snatches it up and pulls it inside of the bag. Still crouched with sneakers sticking out of the bottom, the perp shuffles back down the sidewalk, camera following them all the way.


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