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Libertarians Nominating LGBTQ Chase Oliver BACKFIRES

The Libertarian Party chose for their presidential nominee…

a pro-vaccine, pro-trans, pro-BLM, pro-DEI, gay candidate, Chase Oliver.

Talk about shooting your tires before you even start the race!

I don’t think they’re going to get 3% of the votes this time.

Maybe half a percent.

And because of their liberal, basically Democrat-in-everything-but-name nominee, many Libertarians are now joining Trump’s Team!

I give you, the Libertarian’s Presidential nominee:

Looks like Trump has successfully taken out the Libertarians, which won him a great many votes.

This may very well be the moment we look back on as the moment when the Libertarian Party destroyed itself.

Let’s see what this Libertarian leader has to say about drag queen story hour:

It seems Libertarians are just another branch of the Democrats.

Since we’re talking about Libertarians, did you catch this golden Trump moment at the Libertarian Convention?

Heres the full interview with Chase Oliver:


Does he remind anyone else of Harry from 3rd Rock from the Sun?


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