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AMC Gets Roasted After Adding ‘Trigger Warning’ To This Classic Film

The current generation of woke leftists feel the need to protect everyone (except straight, White Christians, perhaps) from ever having their feelings hurt.

In the age of “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings,” we find stories like the one involving AMC. The network added an advisory to the classic mob film “Goodfellas” that didn’t go over very well among fans of the movie and critics of woke culture.

As the Daily Wire reported:

The AMC networks have attached a trigger warning to the classic mafia movie “Goodfellas.” The warning reads — and as God is my witness, I am not making this up — “This film includes language and/or cultural stereotypes that are inconsistent with today’s standards of inclusion and tolerance and may offend some viewers.”

Apparently, AMC was concerned the violent antics of Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci would offend those viewers who wish to include and tolerate Italian Americans so Italian Americans won’t set their restaurant on fire and empty a thirty-eight into their face before burying their bullet-riddled body in the Jersey Pine Barrens.

Now, some people may feel that putting a trigger warning on Martin Scorsese’s greatest film is an idea so stupid it must have been dreamed up by some dribble-faced DEI hire who can’t tell the difference between sensitivity and a whoopee cushion. But AMC defended the action in a statement issued by Paul Dribbleface, Vice President in charge of Sensitivity or Whoopee Cushions, like, Whichever.

The social media backlash was swift and severe:

Those who would know best seem to agree that, while “Goodfellas” depicts some abhorrent behavior, it was a pretty good reflection of the lifestyles it sought to represent.

According to TMZ:


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