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Student’s Patriotic Election Speech BANNED by Principal

An anti-American spirit has been found in Huntington Beach, CA.

And it’s in charge of the Saint Bonaventure Catholic School.

A student there, Jimmy, was trying to become Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism but he faced a road block.

And that road block was his principal, Mary Flock.


She insisted he censor parts of his speech for being ‘too patriotic,’,

She wanted him to align with the general communist agenda we see everywhere rather than mentioning patriotism.

He refused to do so.

He wasn’t taking out the words “patriotism” or “patriotic”.

And so his principal, who has since deleted her Twitter/X account, made him sit there humilated and watch others give their speech.

So his mother filmed him giving the speech with, presumably, his sister cheerfully holding his sign in hopes that others would see it and share it.

Here it is:

Louder With Crowder reports:

If school officials cared about education as much as they did about hating America and destroying it, this story wouldn’t exist. But unfortunately, many edumacaters are more concerned with edumacating rather than education.

A student ran for Commissioner of School Spirit and Patriotism at Saint Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, CA, and was set to present a speech as part of his campaign. However, his communist principal, Mary Flock, told him he needed to censor parts of his speech because it was too patriotic.

“She wanted everything in his speech regarding patriotism to be removed, even though ‘Patriotism’ was a part of the position’s title that he was running for. Ms Flock said that if he did not remove ALL parts about patriotism, he would not be able to read his speech to with the rest of the candidates,” according to a petition started by his mom.

Flock then humiliated the student and banned him from speaking because she is objectively insane.

My husband upset with her decision told her and the Vice Principal, Caleb McFarren how out of line they were for not allowing Jimmy to speak to his classmates just because his views didn’t align with theirs. They told my husband to leave or they would call someone to make him leave. He said he wouldn’t as he was there to support his son and then walked to the opposite side of the gate, away from everyone else and all students/faculty. The principal then proceeded to call HBPD to further humiliate Jimmy.

Fortunately, the officers realized that the principal was a psycho and informed the husband he was permitted to stay because he hadn’t done anything wrong. And they also thanked the student for writing such a wonderful speech.

Flock then sent out an email that contained a bunch of gobbledygook and lies.

You may be wondering what was so polarizing that the principal demanded he censor himself. It was because the student loved America and was grateful to live in the best country in the world.

“My love for America is my motivation for running for Commissioner of Patriotism and School Spirit. It is an honor to live in this country. Sadly, some people take their citizenship for granted,” he wrote.

It’s unclear if he would have been allowed to speak if he said he hated America but I think we all know the answer to that.

The crazy thing is that his speech is the counterculture. What he wrote is politically incorrect and as the principal implied, the status quo is to despise America, not love it.

That is so true. “The status quo is to despise America, not love it.”

Our patience with these anti-Americans has it’s limits.


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