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FACT-CHECK: Did President Trump Really Post A Video Calling For a “Unified Reich?”

Recently, you might have seen a news story circulating online, along the lines of “Trump Echoes Hitler, Calling for a Unified Reich if He Wins!”

Social media and news outlets are making claims, like this one, stemming from a short 30-second video posted and deleted less than 24 hours later on Trump’s Truth Social account:


Or, you may have seen clips like this on the news:

Democrats and the Biden-Harris regime have jumped on the bandwagon, too…

Biden even went to the trouble of making his own video condemning President Trump over the claims:

Here’s how The New York Times reported on the clip:


AP was the first to report:

A video posted to Donald Trump’s account on his social media network included references to a “unified Reich” among hypothetical news headlines if he wins the election in November.

The headline appears among messages flashing across the screen such as “Trump wins!!” and “Economy booms!” Other headlines appear to be references to World War I. The word “Reich” is often largely associated with Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, though the references in the video Trump shared appear to be a reference to the formation of the modern pan-German nation, unifying smaller states into a single Reich, or empire, in 1871.

The 30-second video appeared Monday on Trump’s account at a time when the presumptive Republican nominee for president, while seeking to portray President Joe Biden as soft on antisemitism, has himself repeatedly faced criticism for using language and rhetoric associated with Nazi Germany.

And, here’s how Politico reported on Trump’s social media post:

Donald Trump’s campaign deleted a video shared on his Truth Social account that included the phrase “unified reich” amid blowback from the Biden administration and a handful of Republicans.

On Monday afternoon, Trump’s Truth Social account posted a 30-second video that described a vision of America if he wins in 2024, and included fake newspaper headlines that said “Trump Wins!” and “What’s next for America?” At first glance, the video seemed like typical campaign media — except that the background included text about “the creation of a unified reich,” and “German industrial strength.”

The phrase “the creation of a unified reich,” which appeared multiple times in the background, drew heavy criticism. The German term “reich” means empire but is often associated with Nazi Germany.

So, is the media right?

Did Trump really call for a Hitler-esque Third Reich?

OR — is this just another hoax and their latest pathetic attempt to smear President Trump?..

You can probably guess where this is headed.

And, here are the facts:

After the video in question was posted, Trump’s campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt released a statement saying the clip was not created by Trump or his campaign, but by an individual social media account.

A Trump staffer re-shared the video on Trump’s Truth Social page, but did not notice the blurry text containing the words “Unified Reich” on the background newspaper headline in the final few seconds of the video.

Furthermore, Trump was not involved in either making or sharing the video. He was busy at his NY trial…

From Newsweek:

In a statement to Newsweek, Karoline Leavitt, Trump’s campaign press secretary, denied that Trump had anything to do with the video, or knew of the phrase’s inclusion in the mocked up headlines.

“This was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online and reposted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the [former] President was in court. The real extremist is Joe Biden who has turned his back on Israel and the Jewish people by bowing down to radical antisemites and terrorist sympathizers in his party like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.”

But, that’s not all.

Social media account ‘End Wokeness’ did some research and tracked down the template that the random account used to make the ad, discovering that it contained a WW1 newspaper headline:

So, the Trump campaign did not put it there.

Neither did the person who created the ad.

It was simply part of a video template with WW1 headlines…

The media would have you believe that Trump and his campaign deliberately made references to Hitler’s “Reich” in the ad, because Trump is some dictator who craves world domination and wants to start another Holocaust…

This is utterly, and completely false.

But, these hoaxes — everything from comparisons of Trump being like Hilter to the bogus criminal cases against him — are the only chance left-wingers have to bring down Trump.

They’ve got nothing real.

So, instead, they project their own corruption onto President Trump, in hopes that people are gullible enough to believe it.


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