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NFL Legend Supports DEI, Attacks University That Removed DEI Programs

NFL legend Emmitt Smith is fuming.

What’s got him upset?

The fact that Florida decided to stop all diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs at public universities.

He says it’s not common sense.

Smith had already voiced his support back in March when the state law rolled out.

He told USA Today that students should avoid those schools when looking for a college to attend.

Apparently DEI must come first in Smith’s book.

The Hill reports:

NFL legend and former University of Florida Gator Emmitt Smith is blasting Florida’s decision to end diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programs at public universities.

“When I see them destroying DEI for the sake of politics … it’s not even common sense,” Smith said in an interview with USA Today published Monday. “This is just sheer out of spite and sheer power.

He had previously spoken out in support of the DEI programs in March, when his alma mater had to get rid of them due to a state law.

At the time, Smith said Florida had “conformed to the political pressures of today’s time.”

He told USA Today there were multiple reasons he felt compelled to speak out.

“One, being an alumnus and having contributed as much as I did on the football field and to walk away with a University of Florida degree and feeling I’m a part of the university from afar, and still at heart, I was extremely disappointed,” said Smith. “Because when I was in college, and everywhere I’ve been, they always talked about leadership … and how we needed to become leaders — especially athletes.”

The famous former Dallas Cowboy said it isn’t a coincidence that as name, image and likeness (NIL) deals make movement in the college athletics world, some are trying to take away DEI.

The former running back also encouraged students to reconsider athletics at schools that have nixed DEI programs.

“If you are going to go to a university, make sure you go to one that’s open-minded,” said Smith.

Many have voiced their disappointment in Smith on social media.

Smith has been vocal about this for a while now.


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