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Former Home Depot, Chrysler CEO Sounds Off On Biden’s Economy-Killing Policies

If anyone understand the inner workings of the economy, it’s someone who has successfully led multiple global corporations.

And, even though the disastrous economic policies of the Biden administration might be obvious to anyone struggling to buy household necessities, Bob Nardelli, the former CEO of both Home Depot and Chrysler recently weighed in on just how bad things have gotten — as well as how much more Americans are likely to suffer as a result of Biden’s failures.

As Fox Business reported:

“What I’ve seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that a series of debacles and missteps have created a tremendous pressure on the fault lines of our economy, and they’re about ready to crack,” he told FOX Business’ Maria Bartiromo.

“Whoever gets the next stint in the White House is going to be hit with a wrecking ball in trying to correct the missteps and the overspending of this current administration, so we’re in for a rough time, I would say.”

Nardelli’s comments came in response to questioning about the green climate agenda that has been echoed in policy since President Biden took office in January 2021. The often-described “war on fossil fuels” has led some economists and commentators to call out the administration for hindering U.S. oil production and contributing to higher energy costs.

At the same time, Americans are taking hits from other elevated necessity costs, including groceries and rent.

Economic concerns are a hot topic of discussion on social media these days:

But this wasn’t the first time Nardelli has spoken out against the current White House.

Here’s what he had to say last year, per the Heritage Foundation:

Organized shoplifting efforts and flash mobs of robberies across the country caused businesses $100 billion in losses in 2021 and have only gotten worse since then according to the National Retail Federation. As former Home Depot CEO Bob Nardelli recently put it, Biden’s America has become a “lawless society.”

And a lawless society is bad for business. Big companies, from Whole Foods, Walmart and Walgreens to Nordstrom, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Lululemon and more have all suffered. Mom-and-pop businesses have suffered too.

While all businesses factor in some amount of loss from theft, euphemistically called “shrink” in the industry, this recent phenomenon reaches a whole new level. As a result, companies have closed stores, revised earnings estimates, and taken hits to their top and bottom lines, resulting in loss of shareholder value and harm to the communities they serve.

But why is this happening now? The answer is simple: George-Soros-backed rogue prosecutors. In big cities across the country, these so-called public servants refuse to prosecute petty thieves and even go so far as to call their illegal behavior “quality of life” crimes which, according to them, don’t harm anyone.

And here’s what he said recently about Biden’s mandates for electric vehicles:




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