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Disney ‘Stops’ Being Woke and ‘Changes Their Ways’ By Promoting New LGBT Transgender Show on Disney+

Some people thought Disney had learned their lesson and were going to course correct this year after CEO Bob Iger stated that they’ll be more focused on entertainment and not agendas.

They were sorely mistaken.

Though the once beloved entertainment giant hinted at a return to its roots, it wasn’t long before that was proven false.

They’ve shown that they’re married to the core woke ideologies of DEI and LGBT and have no plans on getting a divorced.

The latest evidence?

The Disney+ teaming up with the British Broadcasting Corporation to stream yet another season of the the anti-White race-swapped Dr. Who.

The newest season has a flaming transgender that looks like he’s on his way to a drag queen story hour for the main villian.

And I didn’t even mention the two new Disney Star Wars projects: The Acolyte and Tales of the Jedi. Both include a transgender character.


RedState reports:

For a brief moment in early 2024, it seemed like Disney might have learned its lesson. The once-admired company saw financial gains under new leadership amid some pointed public statements vowing to focus more on entertainment and less on politics. The slop is solidly trending downhill again, though, and it’s become clear that no actual lessons were learned.

The most recent example comes via the Disney+ investment and partnership with the BBC to stream the umpteenth season of “Dr. Who.” As RedState’s Brad Slager laid out on Friday, former showrunner Russell T. Davies returned for this latest iteration, and he’s decided to make “queerness” a centerpiece.

In response to backlash from fans, Davies told them to get bent, declaring that for every person who tunes out due to the show’s newly found “queerness,” 10 more people would tune in due to the “representation.” Let’s just say that didn’t happen.

There are multiple issues here. One is the fact that Disney decided paying oodles of money to stream this show on its already-failing platform was a good idea. You’d think that after years of controversy and fans telling the company they don’t want this stuff anymore, they’d make a few changes. Instead, Disney+ is pumping this and “The Acolyte,” another girl-boss Star Wars production, out as two of its major premieres this spring.

For context, the character shown above, named “Maestro,” uses “they/them” pronouns and offers corrections on pronoun usage on the show despite being a villain.

Needless to say, neither American viewers on Disney+ nor those over in Great Britain are happy about this Dr Who.

Anyone looking forward to the new Disney Star Wars series, The Acolyte?

What was that Iger, you’re not pushing an agenda anymore?

We totally believe you.

Even the new Disney + animated Star Wars show just added a trans character, calling him “them.”


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