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Showdown In Congress: Things Get Ugly Between MTG And Democrats

Things got ugly during a House Oversight Committee on Thursday.

During a House Oversight Committee hearing on Thursday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene got into a heated exchange with Democrat Reps AOC and Jasmine Crockett.

The exchange began when Crockett told MTG “Do you know what we’re here for?”

MTG responded, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

AOC then chimed in and told Greene “I do have a point of order, and I would like to move to take down Ms. Green’s words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person.”

Watch it go down here:

Per Fox News:

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Marjorie Taylor Greene had a heated exchange Thursday evening during what was supposed to be a contempt hearing for Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The House Oversight Committee had originally been convened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to comply with a subpoena to hand over an audio recording of President Biden’s interview with a special counsel.

The hearing quickly spiraled out of control, with lawmakers bickering with one another. Less than an hour after the hearing was underway, Greene took shots at her Democratic colleague, Rep. Jasmine Crockett of Texas.

“Do you know what we’re here for?” Crockett asked Greene, who shot back: “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer pleaded for order amid audible groans in the chamber.

Ocasio-Cortez weighed in saying: “I do have a point of order, and I would like to move to take down Ms. Green’s words. That is absolutely unacceptable. How dare you attack the physical appearance of another person… move her words down.”

Here was MTG’s response:

Some people are upset about the scene from Oversight Committee last night, well I’m upset and disgusted pretty much everyday at the Democrat controlled DOJ, federal government, and Congress in general. The Democrat DOJ is weaponized against us. They want to put Pres Trump in jail the rest of his life which is a death sentence!

They are throwing people in prison by the thousands for years for protesting the 2020 election but ignore their own paid criminal rioters. They put Peter Navarro in prison and will soon put Steve Bannon in prison because of Nancy Pelosi’s corrupt January 6th Committee that broke House rules and hired an ABC TV producer to put on their prime time nightly hearings of LIES. The Democrats are the same people who voted to kill unborn babies up until the day of birth and they would march us all in front of a firing squad if they could.

Congress has enslaved the American people in over $34 TRILLION in debt and that will be over $55 TRILLION in only 10 years. Washington DC only cares about funding and fighting foreign wars while fully and cowardly refusing to fight the war waged against the American people at our own southern border. Pardon me if I don’t talk as nicely as some people would like to hear.

I’m not going to keep you all addicted to outrage and hopium that never solves a problem or stops the inevitable implosion of the United States of America. I’m completely over it.


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