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JUST IN: President Trump Announces Rally In NYC!

Get ready, New York…

It’s Trump rally time!

Amid all the legal troubles in his native state, President Trump has just announced that he will be holding a rally in SOUTH BRONX this week.

That’s right next to AOC’s district!

The rally is scheduled for this Thursday, May 23 at 6 PM.

Check it out:


The press release announcing President Trump’s South Bronx rally says it’s to “highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency has had on our economy.”

The New York Post has more details:

Former President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally in the South Bronx next week, and his first major gathering of supporters in his native state since his first White House bid comes on the heels of a record-breaking event at the Jersey Shore.

The May 23 rally will take place at 6 p.m. in Crotona Park, and the Trump campaign has a permit for up to 3,500 people to attend, his campaign announced Friday.

Trump, 77, is expected to speak on the Empire State’s economy, crime rate and migrant crisis. It’s believed to be his first rally in his native state since Buffalo in 2016.

“New Yorkers have suffered greatly thanks to Biden’s failed policies,” Team Trump said in the announcement.

“The Empire State, a place near to President Trump’s heart, has been decimated by Biden,” it continued.

“President Trump will ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!”

The Trump campaign highlighted double-digit percentage point increases in murder and assault rates in New York since 2019, and a surge in the cost of goods in the state since Biden, 81, took office.

“We can Make America Great Again by tackling lawlessness head-on, ceasing the endless flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border, and reversing the detrimental effects of inflation by restoring people’s wealth,” the statement concluded.

The New York Times added:

Former President Donald J. Trump, who has been spending much of his time recently as a criminal defendant in a Manhattan courtroom, will be in a different New York borough next Thursday, when he will hold a campaign event in the Bronx.

The gathering is scheduled to take place at Crotona Park, his campaign announced in a statement on Friday evening, declaring that Mr. Trump would “ease the financial pressures placed on households and re-establish law and order in New York!”

It is an unusual location for a Republican presidential campaign event: The area went for President Biden by about 77 percentage points in the 2020 election. And despite a shift to the right in some of New York State’s congressional districts and neighborhoods, including in the Bronx, in recent years, the state as a whole is not considered a general-election battleground.

What do you think?

Is President Trump making the right move campaigning in deep blue New York?

Could this be the year New York FLIPS?

And, after that massive 80,000+ turnout in New Jersey last weekend, how many supporters will show up to support Trump at this rally?…

Let us know your thoughts in the comments!


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