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Donald And Melania Trump Beam With Pride As Barron Graduates High School

Judge Juan Merchant relented and allowed Donald Trump to attend his youngest son’s high school graduation this week.

It was clear from the look on the faces of both the former president and former first lady that the parents were proud of Barron’s achievement.

As the New York Post reported:

The 45th president was permitted to attend the ceremony by Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Juan Merchan, who called off the day’s planned proceedings in the “hush money” trial of the onetime commander-in-chief.

Later Friday, Trump was scheduled to fly to Minnesota, where he will be the headline speaker at the state GOP’s Lincoln-Reagan dinner.

Little is known about the details of Barron’s time at Oxbridge Academy, which charges $41,500 per year for tuition, and where he had spent the previous three years of his education.

Barron previously attended Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School in New York City and transferred to St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Md., during his father’s term of office.

The youngest Trump has largely been kept out of the spotlight during his youth, dividing his time between New York and Florida while never speaking publicly.

Melania Trump — who opted for a blue suit jacket, white skirt and straw hat — has taken a central role in raising Barron and famously likes to keep him close to her.

The news quickly spread on social media.


Donald Trump has praised his son’s achievements in recent public statements as he anticipated a ruling from the Manhattan court regarding whether he would be permitted to attend the graduation.

According to the Daily Mail:

Oxbridge has many perks for its students including chef-prepared lunches, an equestrian club and a flight simulator. Students also travel around the world as part of the learning process.

Many graduates go on to Ivy league universities like Brown and Havard.

Donald Trump has revealed his youngest son is weighing what college he might attend. But, he noted, the campus protests have been a factor in that decision.

‘He’s a senior now in high school, and he’ll be going to college. And you know, a lot of, a lot of these choices of colleges are changing because you see what’s going on in the last month,’ Trump told a Philadelphia Radio Station.

Trump has been critical of the pro-Palestine protests that have turned up on college campuses throughout the nation. He told Time magazine he would call out the National Guard on them.

Barron is considering NYU, the Daily Beast reported, but the school has seen its share protesters and arrests by NYPD.

Donald Trump and many of his children attended Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. There have been rumblings Barron could join that tradition.

The Trump family has made no announcement about where Barron will spend his college years.

Here’s some more coverage of the graduation and the situation surrounding it:


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